考研网 发表于 2017-11-15 22:28:20


          Body of work: Illusion make-up gaining popularity in Singapore
          人体艺术:illusion make-up在新加坡受追捧
          Illusion make-up, or using the body as a canvas to paint optical illusions,
is getting popular in Singapore.
          Illusion make-up,或以人体为画布彩绘造成视错觉,在新加坡越来越流行。
          If you do not have an outfit ready for Halloween, do not fear.
          It is not too late to turn your body into a costume and morph into the
character of your wildest dreams, say local make-up artists skilled in the art
of illusion make-up.
          把你的身体变成服装并变成你狂野幻想中的角色还为时未晚,一位对illusion make-up艺术达到炉火纯青的当地化妆师说。
          This style – where one’s body is used as a canvas for the painting of
optical illusions – has been around for years, but local make-up artists say it
has been gaining popularity here recently.
          The growing interest is, in part, thanks to well-known Instagrammers such
as Vancouver-based artist Mimi Choi, South Korean artist Dain Yoon and American
artist Jody Steel.
          在某种程度上,人们的兴趣与日俱增是由于著名的Instagram用户如温哥华艺术家Mimi Choi、韩国艺术家Dain Yoon和美国艺术家Jody
          They each have hundreds of thousands of followers on social media and have
popularised the style with jaw-dropping videos and photos of their work, which
showcases illusions of faces sliced apart, bleeding bodies, limbs pierced with
objects and camouflage, where the subject blends into a chosen background.
          In Singapore, there are a handful of make-up artists skilled in the art of
illusion make-up.
          在新加坡,有少数几位化妆师擅长illusion make-up.
          A full look usually takes at least three hours to complete and can cost
between $150 and $250 an hour.
          Zennie Casann says many of her customers ask to be transformed into
          Zennie Casann说她的很多顾客都要求化成骷髅头。
          One full-time make-up artist here is Casanndra Han, 34, who is known in the
industry as Zennie Casann.
          其中一位34岁的当地全职化妆师叫Casanndra Han,在业内与Zennie Casann并称。
          She has been in the trade for 16 years and says “trick-eye make-up” – as
she terms the style – has become a fashion statement of sorts in recent years,
especially during Halloween.
          她从事化妆16年,说“trick-eye make-up”——她这样称呼这种风格——近年来已经成为一种时尚的说法,尤其是在万圣节期间。
          While many of her customers ask for their faces to be transformed into
human skulls, which can fall under the category of illusion make-up, Ms Han adds
that there are those game to try something more adventurous.
          虽然她的许多顾客都要求把他们的脸化成人头骨,这也可以归类为illusion make-up的一种, 但Han女士补充说还有更冒险的博弈。
          Clients, she says, are increasingly familiar with the works of Choi, Yoon
and Steel and there have been requests to re-create their looks.
          她说,顾客日渐了解Choi、Yoon 和 Steel的作品并要求重新打造他们自己的外表。
          “People are more daring now and are more keen to try looks that will really
transform their physical appearance,” she says, adding that she has turned
subjects into walking oil paintings.
          Gone are the days where clients tell her to “tone down” a particular look,
she says. “These days, they tell me: Bring it on. Do anything you want.”
          Demand is so high that she is close to fully booked on the weekends leading
up to Halloween this year, with bookings from individuals, private groups, pubs
and clubs and community centres.
          This demand is a three-fold increase compared to five or six years ago, she
          Apart from Halloween, some customers also paint on illusion make-up for
their companies’ dinner and dances or for themed parties at bars and clubs.
          除了万圣节,一些顾客也化illusion make-up 去参加公司的晚宴和舞会或者酒吧和俱乐部的主题聚会。
          Freelance face and body painter Queenie Ong, 39, agrees that there is
definitely greater interest in illusion make-up here.
          现年39岁的自由人体艺术家Queenie Ong认为在新加坡人们对illusion make-up毫无疑问会保持高涨的热情。
          “People have easy access to artists’ photos and make-up video tutorials
online and draw their inspiration from there,” she says.
          Ms Chris Ruth, creative art director of make-up company Muse Body Art, says
the style of make-up is “considered an art form now”.
          化妆品公司Muse Body art的创意艺术总监 Chris Ruth女士表示,这种化妆风格“现被视为一种艺术形式”。
          A good illusion artist, says the 41-year-old, needs to excel at drawing and
have a keen eye for detail.
          “The artist’s drawing foundation and technical skills need to be solid,
because illusion make-up is all about making things look real,” says the artist
and hairstylist who does creative make-up, special effects and face and body
          She usually requests her clients set aside at least six hours for her to
complete a full illusion make-up look.
          她通常要求她的客户至少留出6个小时的时间来让她完成一个完整的illusion make-up妆容。
          Ms Han agrees that a common misconception that people have of illusion
make-up is that it can be done quickly when, in fact, she can spend up to two
hours just painting a single, life-sized eye.
          Han认为人们普遍误解illusion make-up是可以迅速完成的,但事实上,她可以花上2个小时的时间,只画一只真人大小的眼睛。
          To pull off an effective illusion, she says, it is important to be familiar
with the human anatomy, especially the placement of the cheekbones, muscles and
          An artist must also know where the light hits the subject, as this can make
or break an optical illusion.
          It also takes some skill to transform the painting on the subject’s face
and body from a two-dimensional to three-dimensional perspective, she says.
          Ms Ong says she is pleased when she sees the delight in the eyes of those
whom she paints.
          “That’s when I feel like a fairy godmother of sorts, transforming them into
characters that give them the confidence to live out their fantasies and party
the night away,” she says.
          Last year, Ms Sharon Zhuo, 32, paid several hundred dollars to engage Ms
Han, who spent about three hours transforming her into a mermaid for her
company’s dinner and dance.
          去年,32岁的Sharon Zhuo女士为出席公司的晚宴和舞会,花了几百美元聘请Han女士,Han花了将近3个小时将她打造成一条美人鱼。
          She had found Ms Han after an online search for make-up artists.
          The bespectacled woman put aside her glasses for coloured contact lenses
that evening and, using only make-up, Ms Han worked to enlarge her eyes, sharpen
her nose, thin her lips and re-contour her face to make it look V-shaped.
          To complete the look, Ms Han also created the illusion of scales around her
chin area.
          Ms Zhuo, who works as a product development and innovation manager in the
food industry, says: “My colleagues could not believe it was me. The
transformation was dramatic.”
          Ms Ruth adds that illusion make-up is fun to do and has low barriers to
entry because one can simply begin by experimenting on oneself.
          Ruth女士补充道,illusion make-up是一件很有趣的事,而且门槛很低,因为人们可以先从自我试验开始。
          “You don’t have to be a professional artist to turn yourself into an art
piece. Your body can be your own canvas,” she says.
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