考研网 发表于 2017-11-15 17:44:41


    The Beer Festival in Qingdao has a tie in German?
    QINGDAO, China — Music. Tourists. Traditional food. Long tables crammed
inside huge tents. And beer — lots and lots of beer.
    It’s not Oktoberfest. It’s the Qingdao International Beer Festival, China’s
largest celebration of lager.
    If the festival looks like a certain German tradition, there’s a good
reason. The city of Qingdao is home to the similarly pronounced Tsingtao
Brewery, which was founded by German settlers in this corner of Shandong
Province more than a century ago.
    Since the festival started in 1991, the crowds have steadily increased.
This summer’s celebration, which ran for much of August, drew nearly 40,000
people on its busiest weekends.
    A small army of bartenders and servers kept steins full and glasses clean
and at the ready.
    In addition to Tsingtao, foreign producers like Budweiser and Carlsberg set
up their own tents.
    Locals come to enjoy the “re nao” atmosphere, a Mandarin term for “hustle
and bustle” or “loud and chaotic.”
    Qingdao’s festival may be of fairly recent vintage, but its beer-making
tradition goes back more than 100 years.
    At the turn of the last century, the city was a German naval outpost. The
Germans brought beer and an architectural style that can still be seen in the
buildings of the city’s Old Town.
    The British who arrived later were suspicious of the local water and turned
to drinking beer instead. In 1903, British and German settlers created the
Anglo-German Brewing Company and began producing Tsingtao.
    Through two world wars, foreign occupations, the brewery changed hands
several times.
    “Without beer, we don’t have life in Qingdao,” said Zhao Chen, a local who
brought his extended family to the festival. For an audience of young and old,
electric floats circled the grounds at sunset.
    In addition to all that beer, there was plenty of food at the festival.
    Attendees had their fill of chicken’s feet, sausage, dumplings and grilled
skewers of spiced meat and squid.
    At night, the scene became even louder and livelier, as patriotic anthems
turned to techno and rock.
    Deafening music and the smell of stale beer and cigarette smoke did little
to dampen spirits as festivalgoers toasted one another from giant glasses.
    Amid the never-ending toasts, I asked Mr. Chen whether he came to the
festival every year.
    “Are you kidding? This is more important than Chinese New Year,” he said,
before sending his brother off to order us all another round.
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