考研网 发表于 2017-10-31 16:40:28


      Why You Can’t Think of the Word That’s on the Tip of Your Tongue
    There you are in the middle of a conversation, and suddenly you draw a
blank on a particular word. It’s right there … if you could just remember …
    You move on, and hours later, something jogs your memory and the word comes
to you, long after its relevance has passed.
      So, what happened?
    You experienced what researchers call a tip-of-the-tongue state, that
agonizing moment when you know precisely what you want to say but you fail to
produce the word or phrase.
    Far from being telltale signs of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, these
moments are simply part of the way we communicate, and they’re more or less
    “You can’t talk to anybody, in any culture, in any language, in any age
group, that doesn’t know what you’re talking about” when you describe a
tip-of-the-tongue state, said Lise Abrams, a psychology professor at the
University of Florida who has studied the phenomenon for 20 years. Researchers
have even found occurrences among sign language users. (Those, they call
tip-of-the-finger states.)
of Florida)心理学教授利斯·艾布拉姆斯(Lise Abrams)说。研究人员甚至发现,手语使用者当中也有这种情况。(他们称之为“指尖状态”。)
    We’re more likely to draw blanks on words we use less frequently — like
abacus or palindrome — but there are also categories of words that lead to
tip-of-the-tongue states more often.
    Proper names are one of those categories. There’s no definitive theory, but
one reason might be that proper names are arbitrary links to the people they
represent, so people with the same name don’t possess the same semantic
information the way that common nouns do, Abrams said.
    Here’s an experiment: Think of the first and last name of the foul-mouthed
chef who has a cooking show on Fox. Now think of the hand-held device with
numbered buttons you use to add, subtract, multiply or divide.
      Which was easier to recall?
    In all likelihood it was “calculator,” since every calculator you’ve ever
seen shares those exact same attributes, giving you more context you can draw
from when trying to produce the word. (That chef, by the way, is Gordon
    The bad news is there’s not a whole lot we can do in the moment to jog our
memory when this happens. However, using certain words or names more often can
make you less likely to draw a blank when you’re trying to produce that word,
name or phrase.
    So if you can never seem to remember the name of that guy in administration
when you’re talking about him, try saying his name out loud when you can: It
just might save you a little embarrassment down the road.
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