考研网 发表于 2017-10-31 16:40:25


    Woman Creates Coffee For Dogs And Names It ‘Rooffee’
    After the success of products like alcohol-free, grape-free “wine” for
cats, it’s no surprise that someone is developing a caffeine-free, coffee-free
“coffee” for dogs.
    The name, though, has some people kind of shocked.
    A lot of people ― including me ― initially thought a press release about a
dog drink called “Rooffee” had to be a joke. But creator Agota Jakutyte swore
she wasn’t kidding around and that she had no idea the name sounded like
“roofie,” a colloquial term for the infamous “” drug Rohypnol.
Jakutyte信誓旦旦地称她没在开玩笑,她没有想到这个名字听起来像是“roofie(迷奸药)”, 一种口语中臭名昭著的“date rape(约会强奸)”
    The U.K.-based Jakutyte said she meant to combine the word “roots” — in
reference to the product’s ingredients — and the word “coffee.”
    据Jakutyte 称她要把这个词“roots”(涉及到产品成份),以及词“coffee”结合到一块儿取名。
    “Unfortunately, I haven’t Googled it well,” she told HuffPost in an email,
adding she plans to change the name.
    “Rooffee” isn’t available commercially yet. Jakutyte, who runs the pet
product company Shoo, has set up a Kickstarter to fund the product. The page
refers to Rooffee as a “wild nordic biohack” for your dog’s “morning
    She says the drink — which contains only dandelion, hawthorn, chicory,
carrots burdock and fulvic acid — actually originated with an herbalist who gave
her a similar concoction for her own health. It was her own dog, named Crete,
who tipped her off to the idea that canines might be interested, too.
    “Well, one morning, I was drinking my special coffee (Rooffee with MCT oil
and coconut butter) and writing my morning affirmations while I noticed that
Crete … was licking my coffee,” she said.
    After doing some research, Jakutyte said, she figured out that the herbal
mixture could be good for both people and dogs, and the product was born.
    When asked about Rooffee’s ingredients, veterinarian Katy Nelson, who hosts
“The Pet Show,” told HuffPost that pet owners should make sure to consult with
their own veterinarians before adding any special supplements to an animal’s
diet, especially those that don’t have scientific studies indicating they
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查看完整版本: 2018考研英语双语阅读:奇葩!猫喝上“酒”了!