考研网 发表于 2017-10-30 22:11:21


          New gaokao reform system to be built by 2020
          A new reform system for college entrance exams, also known as gaokao, will
be established by 2020, said Chen Baosheng, education minister and a delegate to
the 19th CPC National Congress.
          A pilot reform for college recruitment has been put in place in Shanghai
and Zhejiang province this year, Chen told cyol.com on Thursday.
          The reform gives high-school students extra chances in the college entrance
test and more choices in selection of subjects.
          The new measure will be tested in four other provinces this year before a
reform system is to built up nationwide by 2020, Chen said.
          He said the reform on the gaokao system over the past five years has been
the most extensive and challenging one since the resumption of the exam four
decades ago.
          Other efforts to ensure equal access to higher education that have been
carried out over the past five years include admitting more students from
impoverished or rural areas, and allowing children of migrating populations to
sit college entrance tests in the cities where they live, said Chen.
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查看完整版本: 2018考研英语阅读:2020年前我国将全面建立新高考