考研网 发表于 2017-10-24 16:48:18


      Einstein’s waves detected in star smash
    Scientists have detected the warping of space generated by the collision of
two dead stars, or neutron stars.
    They have confirmed that such mergers lead to the production of the gold
and platinum that exists in the Universe.
    The measurement of the gravitational waves given off by this cataclysmic
event was made on 17 August by the LIGO-VIRGO Collaboration.
    8月17日通过LIGO-VIRGO 两台探测器的共同协作,这些科学家们对那次灾难性事件释放的引力波做了测量。
    The discovery enabled telescopes all over the world to capture details of
the merger as it unfolded.
    David Reitze, executive director of the LIGO Laboratory at Caltech in
Pasadena, California, said: "This is the one we’ve all been waiting for."
    加州帕萨迪娜市加州理工学院LIGO实验室执行主任David Reitze说:“这一直都是我们等待的结果。”。
    The outburst took place in a galaxy called NGC 4993, located roughly a
thousand billion, billion km away in the Constellation Hydra.
    It happened 130 million years ago - when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. It was
so far away that the light and gravitational waves have only just reached
    The stars themselves had masses 10-20% greater than our Sun - but they were
no larger than 30km across.
    They were the crushed leftover cores of massive stars that long ago
exploded as supernovas.
    They are called neutron stars because the process of crushing the star
makes the charged protons and electrons in the atoms of the star combine - to
form an object made entirely of neutrons.
    Such remnants are incredibly dense - a teaspoonful would weigh a billion
    In the landscaped campus of one of the laboratories that made the
detection, a fountain sprays jets of water skyward which are then pulled back
down by gravity, sending ripples across the crystal clear pond.
    The LIGO detector, sitting incongruously in the vast woodland of Livingston
in Louisiana, was designed to detect the gravitational ripples across the
Universe created by cataclysmic cosmic events.
    Since it was upgraded two years ago, it has four times sensed the
collisions of black holes.
    Gravitational waves caused by violent events send ripples through
space-time that stretch and squeeze everything they pass through by a tiny
amount - less than the width of an atom.
    Researchers had suspected that this huge release of energy leads to the
creation of rare elements, such as gold and platinum.
    Dr Kate Maguire, from Queen’s University Belfast, who analysed the
collision’s burst of light, said that the theory was now proven.
    来自贝尔法斯特女王大学的Kate Maguire博士对光的碰撞燃烧进行了分析。他说,这个理论直到现在被证明了。
    "Using some of the world’s best telescopes, we have discovered that this
neutron star merger scattered heavy chemical elements, such as gold and
platinum, out into space at high speeds.
    "These new results have significantly contributed to solving the
long-debated mystery of the origin of elements heavier than iron in the periodic
    Dr Joe Lyman, of the University of Warwick said described the observations
as "exquisite".
    "They tell us that the heavy elements, like the gold or platinum in
jewellery are the cinders, forged in the billion degree remnants of a merging
neutron star."
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