考研网 发表于 2017-10-23 17:03:27


      Third-hand smoke exposure cripples your liver and brain: Inhaling tobacco
from hair, clothes or furniture affects your metabolism and mannerisms, study
    Third-hand smoke exposure can cripple your brain and liver, affecting your
mannerisms, increasing your risk of neurodegenerative diseases, and ruining your
metabolism. That is according to a study by researchers at the University of
California, Riverside who saw significant health issues in people within a month
of exposure to smoke.
    The research team analyzed how people were affected by inhaling smoke from
another person’s clothing, hair, home, or car.
    In previous studies on mice, the same scientists showed third-hand smoke
can cause type 2 diabetes, hyperactivity, liver and lung damage, and
wound-healing complications. Now, they have shown they can even see an impact on
brain and liver tissues.
    ’Our goal was to determine the minimum amount of time required to cause
physiological changes in mice when they are exposed to THS (third-hand smoke),
using an exposure system that mimics human exposure,’ said lead author Manuela
    ’We found that THS exposure as early as one month resulted in liver damage.
THS exposure for two months resulted in further molecular damage, and at four to
six months caused even more such damage. We also found that the mice showed
insulin resistance after long-term THS exposure.’
    Damage to the liver can hinder its capability to detoxify the body, leading
to more damage by THS toxins.
    Martins-Green and her team examined the brains of THS-exposed mice and
found that stress hormones, such as epinephrine, increased in one month of
    Additional stress hormones are seen at two months, four months, and six
months, eventually causing immune fatigue in the mice.
    ’THS is a stealth toxin, a silent killer,’ Martins-Green said.
    ’Contaminants can be absorbed through the skin and through breathing.
Although our research was not done on humans, people should be aware that hotel
rooms, cars, and homes that were occupied by smokers are very likely to be
contaminated with THS.’
    THS toxins, which are invisible but can be smelled, remain on surfaces for
many years, and are resistant to even strong cleaning agents.
    Further, they accumulate and age by reacting with the ambient air, and
change into carcinogenic chemicals.
    Because THS is absorbed through skin, children are especially vulnerable
given their close contact with household surfaces.
    Children frequently ingest these toxins by putting their hands in their
mouths. They also absorb them through the skin.
    In other preliminary experiments, Martins-Green and her team found that
mice exposed to THS are less social than unexposed mice.
    Further, the researchers found that over time the mice get addicted to
    ’Clearly, THS is affecting the behavior of mice,’ said Martins-Green, ’It’s
not hard to imagine what the impact is on children who, unlike most adults,
cannot remove themselves from these harmful environments. Although our work was
done on mice, we are confident our results will apply to humans.’
    来源:Daily Express
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