考研网 发表于 2017-10-11 19:53:20

2018考研英语阅读:超级疟疾遍布东亚 造成全球威胁

      ’Super malaria’ spreading through SE Asia, poses global threat
    ANGKOK - A "super malaria" parasite is spreading through South-east Asia at
an alarming rate and poses a global threat, scientists have warned.
    曼谷 - 科学家们警告称,“超级疟疾”寄生虫以惊人的速度蔓延到东南亚,造成全球威胁。
    This dangerous form of the parasite that is transmitted by blood-sucking
mosquitoes cannot be killed with the main drugs currently used to treat the
infectious disease, reported the BBC.
    The strain was originally detected in Cambodia in 2007, and experts are
calling for action before it reaches other areas such as India or Africa,
reported AFP.
    “It spread like a wildfire to Vietnam,” Professor Arjen Dondorp, head of
the Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit at Mahidol University in Bangkok,
    The co-author of an article published on Thursday (Sept 22) in the medical
journal The Lancet Infectious Diseases added: “It started 10 years ago in
western Cambodia. It is very fit and spreads very easily. This resistance is
taking over. Cambodia already changed to a new drug, likely to last one or two
years. Vietnam has to change now.”
    After its detection in western Cambodia in 2007, the strain then spread to
northeastern Thailand, southern Laos and eastern Myanmar, a previous study by
Prof Dondorp and colleagues said.
    “The fear is that it spreads further, to India and Africa,” warned Prof
    Scientists at the research unit in Bangkok warned that there is a real
danger of malaria becoming untreatable.
    "We think it is a serious threat," Prof Dondorp told the BBC. "It is
alarming that this strain is spreading so quickly through the whole region and
we fear it can spread further (and eventually) jump to Africa."
    About 212 million people are infected with malaria each year and the first
choice treatment is artemisinin in combination with piperaquine.
    However, artemesinin has become less effective over time and now, the
parasite has evolved to resist piperaquine too.
    The treatment was failing around a third of the time in Vietnam and in some
regions of Cambodia, it was as high as 60 per cent, according to Prof
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