考研族 发表于 2017-10-8 19:21:07


  Whereas advertisers usually get strict assurances about how and where their ads will be placed on television and in print publications, Google and other internet players like Facebook do not provide the same oversight. This is because of the volume of websites they deal with, because of the fact that they have less direct control over the content uploaded to those sites and because algorithms, rather than humans place the majority of ads.
  1.Advertiser 广告客户
  2.Assurance 保证
  3.Print publication 印刷出版物;平面媒体
  4.Oversight 监管
  5.Algorithm 算法
  6.Whereas 虽然(开头),但是(中间)
  Whereas advertisers usually get strict assurances about how and where their ads will be placed on television and in print publications, Google and other internet players like Facebook do not provide the same oversight.
  确定主干:Google and other internet players like Facebook do not provide the same oversight.
  切分成分: Whereas advertisers usually get strict assurances about how and where their ads will be placed on television and in print publications,
  This is because of the volume of websites they deal with, because of the fact that they have less direct control over the content uploaded to those sites and because algorithms, rather than humans place the majority of ads.
  确定主干:This is (because of the volume of websites they deal with
  because of the fact that they have less direct control over the content uploaded to those sites (表语二)
  because algorithms, rather than(而不是) humans place the majority of ads.(表语三)
  近日AT&T、强生等大型营销商停止在YouTube、谷歌显示广告网络(Google display network)上投放广告,至此抵制谷歌的行动席卷大西洋(sweep the Atlantic)。谷歌广告危机爆发于上周。英国《泰晤士报》称,一些广告显示在令人反感的视频旁,这些视频的内容或传播仇恨或言辞极为不堪(offensive and inappropriate content)。报道发表后,英国政府和卫报将广告从YouTube撤下(pull advertisements off the video sharing site)。紧随其后,全球第六大广告和营销公司Havas SA将其英国客户的广告从谷歌显示广告网络和YouTube撤下(forsake YouTube)。这周美国各大公司开始密集发声(the issue is taking hold with American advertisers),其中全球最大医疗保健公司强生暂停在YouTube上投放所有全球广告。虽然谷歌已试图阻止事态进一步恶化,推出了新的工具和政策,承诺为品牌商提供更大权限,但由于谷歌广告采用算法投放广告,无法完全确保广告不再出现在极端主义内容旁,许多爱惜名声的公司仍在观望进一步的细节和结果。据估计,此次广告危机将令谷歌损失数亿美元。
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