考研网 发表于 2017-9-4 14:55:28


      Xi Jinping’s seven quotes about life
    President Xi Jinping has shared his thinking about the country and life on
many occasions. Here’re some extracts we collected for you to inspire you.
      Honing the skills
    The youth must refine their professional skills. Study is the ladder of
progress and practice is the way to improve capability. Quality and capability
of the youth is directly linked to the course of realizing the Chinese
    --Xi remarks at a discussion with a group of outstanding young people from
all walks of life
    May 4, 2016
        It’s all about foundation
    Living one’s life is like buttoning up one’s jacket. If the first button is
not fastened correctly, the rest will never find their rightful place. The
buttons of life should be fastened well from the very beginning.
    --Xi Jinping talks with students and faculty at Peking University.
    May 4, 2014
        Midnight oil burns out quickly
    I was so eager to do my job well but fell ill quite often. The reason? I
always burnt the midnight oil. Later I came to realize that I couldn’t work like
this anymore. One has to be fully aware that one cannot finish all the work at a
time, however enthusiastic one may be about the job.
    --Xi speaks with participants of the first seminar for county-level Party
chiefs at the Party School of the CPC Central Committee in Beijing
    Jan 12, 2015
        Nothing is free, not even happiness
        天下没有免费的午餐 幸福不会从天而降
    The future is encouraging and inspiring. But happiness does not fall from
the sky. We shall establish a spirit to prevail and continue to immerse
ourselves in hard work.
    --Xi delivers his New Year speech via state broadcasters in Beijing
    Dec 31, 2015
        Encourage honesty, discourage vices
        诚实为上 打击投机
    The whole society should vigorously promote the spirit of hard work,
encouraging people to realize their dreams and change their fate through honest
work, while opposing negative thoughts such as profiting from other people’s
work, opportunism and indulging in pleasure and comfort.
    -- Xi speaks at a meeting with a group of scientists and researchers, model
workers and young representatives in Hefei
    Apr 26, 2016
        Single purpose, common cause keys to success
    As one saying goes, "success comes to those who share in one purpose". As
long as our 1.3 billion-plus people are pulled together for a common cause, as
long as the Party stands together with the people and we roll up our sleeves to
work harder, we will surely succeed in a Long March of our generation.
    --Xi Jinping extends New Year greetings to all Chinese compatriots and
people around the world in his New Year speech in Beijing
    Dec 31, 2016
        Don’t slack, don’t lose faith
        不养尊处优 不短志受挫
    During one’s growth and endeavor, the young may gain success and joy, but
may also face difficulties and pressure. One should treat the success and
failure at the moment with a correct attitude, not slack in prosperity and not
lose faith in adversity. One should consider both the success and failure as
wealth in life instead of burdens.
    -- President Xi Jinping talks while inspecting China University of
Political Science and Law
    May 3, 2017
    来源:China Daily
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