考研网 发表于 2017-9-4 14:55:24


      Struggling students offered new option
    It’s a popular myth (误传) that once high school graduates pass gaokao and
enter university, they can rest easy. However, the truth is, if they waste their
time in university, they could end up getting a three-year college diploma
(专科文凭) instead of a bachelor’s degree.
    At least, this is the case for students at Huazhong University of Science
and Technology (HUST) in Wuhan, Hubei.
    Since this fall semester, undergraduates (本科生) whose performance doesn’t
meet the school’s requirements will be transferred (转换) to a college course
(专科课程), reported Beijing Youth Daily. After the transfer, they’re not allowed to
change majors (专业) or get back on the four-year university study track (路径).
    After its introduction, this new regulation caused heated discussions.
    Many internet users think it’s unacceptable not to be given a bachelor’s
degree, as students often have to go through fierce competition during gaokao to
get into HUST, which is one of the top universities in China.
    According to a survey by Xinhua News Agency, almost 90 percent of
respondents would repeat a year, delay graduation or even drop out rather than
transfer to three-year college courses.
    However, a staff member in the university’s teaching affairs office said
that the regulation is designed to offer struggling students another option
    “Each year, there are some students who should be dismissed (劝退) because of
not working hard and failing to meet the university’s requirements for credits
(学分),” the staff member told China Daily.
    Under the new policy, struggling students can still earn a college diploma,
he added, which is much better than being dismissed.
    HUST isn’t the only university in China to introduce such a policy. In
2015, Tsinghua University also launched something similar.
    According to XiongBingqi, a famous education expert, the policy is an
experiment designed to improve how universities deal with their worst-performing
students. “HUST is providing these students with another way out,”Xiong told
news site Sixth Tone. “Of course, if they don’t want to do the vocational
(职业培训的) program, they can always consider taking the gaokao again.”
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查看完整版本: 2018考研英语双语阅读:“本科毕业成专科”引热议