考研网 发表于 2017-8-26 12:10:28


          Weighing yourself daily linked to weight loss, says study
          For many, the prospect of losing weight without changing your diet sounds
too good to be true.
          But scientists have found a method that could provide the solution: simply
weigh yourself daily.
          In a study of 294 female students by researchers at Drexel University and
the University of Pennsylvania, it was found that those who hopped on their
scales every day over two years saw a drop in both BMI and body fat compared to
those who didn’t.
          "We are at a critical juncture in American history. That is not an
exaggeration. We are at and facing a crucible in which our daily life is being
challenged and being questioned about what is right and what is wrong."
          What’s more, the women - who were all of different weights - hadn’t been
told to try to lose weight.
          The researchers were particularly interested in studying students as it’s
so common to put on weight at university, especially in your first year - they
don’t call it the “Freshers’ 15” for nothing, after all.
          研究人员对大学生的体重特别感兴趣,尤其是大一,他们可不会叫它“Freshers’ 15”。(Freshers’
          In fact, a 2009 study found that over 70 percent of students gain weight in
their first year at university.
          But simply by weighing themselves daily, the women not only avoided putting
on weight, but actually lost a significant amount. Those who didn’t weigh
themselves saw little change in their BMI.
          “The losses in BMI and body fat percentage were modest, but still
significant, especially keeping in mind that these women were not part of a
weight loss programme,” said lead study author Diane Rosenbaum, PhD.
          “We did not expect that, in the absence of a weight loss intervention,
folks would be losing weight.”
          The researchers cannot say for certain that daily weighing leads to weight
loss, but it could be that checking in every day motivates you to look after
your body more.
          “Regularly weighing yourself can motivate you to engage in healthy eating
and exercise behaviours, because it provides you with evidence that these
behaviours are effective in helping you lose weight or prevent weight gain,”
said Meghan Butryn, PhD, an associate professor in the College of Arts and
Sciences at Drexel.
          “Similarly, if you see weight gain on the scale, that information can
motivate you to make a change.”
          Of course, it’s normal for a person’s weight to fluctuate, and so if you
weigh a bit more than the day before, it could just be due to water retention,
when you last went to the toilet, what you ate the night before or where a woman
is in her menstrual cycle.
          But perhaps simply by making you more aware, daily weigh-ins could help you
lose weight.
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