考研网 发表于 2017-8-15 16:16:24


    Why you could soon be missing your cup of Darjeeling tea
    If you are a tea connoisseur, here’s some bad news: your morning cuppa of
steaming Darjeeling tea may soon be difficult to get.
    Famously called the "champagne of teas", it is grown in 87 gardens in the
foothills of the Himalayas in Darjeeling in West Bengal state. Some of the
bushes are as old as 150 years and were introduced to the region by a Scottish
    Half of the more than 8 million kg - 60% of it is certified organic - of
this sought-after tea produced every year is exported, mainly to the UK, Europe
and Japan. The tea tots up nearly 80m dollars in annual sales.
    Darjeeling tea is also one of the world’s most expensive - some of it has
fetched prices of up to 850 dollars per kg. The tea is also India’s first
Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) product.
    Since June, Darjeeling has been hit by violent protests and prolonged
strikes in support of a campaign by a local party demanding a separate state for
the area’s majority Nepali-speaking Gorkha community.
    The upshot: some 100,000 workers - permanent and temporary - working in the
gardens have halted work. Production has been severely hit. Only a third of last
year’s crop of 8.32 million kg had been harvested when work stopped in June. If
the trouble continues, garden owners say they are staring at losses amounting to
nearly $40m.
    "This is the worst crisis we have ever faced. Future orders are being
cancelled, and there is no fresh supply. Connoisseurs of Darjeeling may have to
soon switch to other teas until the situation improves," Darjeeling Tea
Association’s principal advisor Sandeep Mukherjee told me.
    The harvesting season in Darjeeling extends to roughly a little over seven
months - from March to October. It is also divided into four distinct seasons
called "flushes".
    Tea buyers are already feeling the crunch. In India, the tea is fast going
off the shelves. Some supermarkets in Japan have said their stocks will run out
by November if supplies don’t resume. An importer in Germany says the tea runs
the risk of becoming a "limited edition" beverage.
    Even if the agitation is called off tomorrow and the workers return to the
gardens, it will take more than a month to begin harvesting. The gardens have
been idle for more than two months, and are full of weeds. Tea bushes have
become "free growth plants", say owners. Workers have to clean and slash the
bushes before they can begin plucking the leaves again.
    "For the moment, Darjeeling looks like becoming a limited edition tea all
right," says Sanjay Lohia, who owns 13 gardens in the region. "But I’d just
request the connoisseurs to bear with us, and we promise to be back with the our
very best quality soon".
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