考研网 发表于 2017-8-12 12:09:27


          Experimental HIV vaccine regimen is well-tolerated, elicits immune
          Results from an early-stage clinical trial called APPROACH show that an
investigational HIV vaccine regimen was well-tolerated and generated immune
responses against HIV in healthy adults. The APPROACH findings, as well as
results expected in late 2017 from another early-stage clinical trial called
TRAVERSE, will form the basis of the decision whether to move forward with a
larger trial in southern Africa to evaluate vaccine safety and efficacy among
women at risk of acquiring HIV.
          The APPROACH results will be presented July 24 at the 9th International
AIDS Society Conference on HIV Science in Paris.
          The experimental vaccine regimens evaluated in APPROACH are based on
"mosaic" vaccines designed to induce immunological responses against a wide
variety of HIV subtypes responsible for HIV infections globally. Different HIV
subtypes, or clades, predominate in various geographic regions around the world.
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the
National Institutes of Health, funded pre-clinical development of these
vaccines. Together with other partners, NIAID supported the APPROACH trial,
which is sponsored by Janssen Vaccines & Prevention B.V., part of the
Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson. The manufacture and
clinical development of the mosaic vaccines are led by Janssen.
          A safe and effective HIV vaccine would be a powerful tool to reduce new HIV
infections worldwide and help bring about a durable end to the HIV/AIDS
pandemic, said NIAID Director Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. "By exploring multiple
promising avenues of vaccine development research, we expand our opportunities
to achieve these goals."
          APPROACH involved nearly 400 volunteers in the United States, Rwanda,
Uganda, South Africa and Thailand who were randomly assigned to receive one of
seven experimental vaccine regimens or a placebo. APPROACH found that different
mosaic vaccine regimens were well-tolerated and capable of generating anti-HIV
immune responses in healthy, HIV-negative adults. Notably, the vaccine regimen
that was most protective in pre-clinical studies in animals elicited among the
greatest immune responses in the study participants. However, further research
will be needed because the ability to elicit anti-HIV immune responses does not
necessarily indicate that a candidate vaccine regimen can prevent HIV
          According to the researchers, the findings from APPROACH, as well as from
animal studies, support further evaluation of a lead candidate regimen in a
clinical trial to assess its safety and efficacy. Plans for such a clinical
trial to be conducted in southern Africa are in development, with projected
enrollment of 2,600 healthy, HIV-negative women. Should the larger trial move
forward, it is expected to begin enrollment in late 2017 or early 2018.
          In APPROACH, study participants received four vaccinations over 48 weeks:
two doses of an initial, or "prime," vaccine, followed by two doses of a booster
vaccine. The experimental regimens all incorporated the same vaccine components
in the prime vaccination, known as Ad26.Mos.HIV. The vaccine uses a strain of
common-cold virus (adenovirus serotype 26, or Ad26), engineered so that it does
not cause illness, as a vector to deliver three mosaic antigens created from
genes from many HIV variants. The booster vaccination included various
combinations of the Ad26.Mos.HIV components or a different mosaic component,
called MVA-Mosaic, and/or two different doses of clade C HIV gp140 envelope
protein containing an aluminum adjuvant to boost immune responses.
Mos 艾滋病毒成分或不同的马赛克元素,称为“马赛克”嵌合型疫苗,或两种不同剂量的含有一种铝佐剂来增强免疫反应的衍生C HIV gp140信封蛋白。
          The Ad26-based mosaic vaccines were initially developed by the laboratory
of NIAID grantee Dan H. Barouch, M.D., Ph.D., and Janssen. In pre-clinical
studies, regimens incorporating these mosaic vaccines protected monkeys against
infection with an HIV-like virus called simian human immunodeficiency virus
(SHIV). The most effective prime-boost regimen reduced the risk of infection per
exposure to SHIV by 94 percent and resulted in 66 percent complete protection
after six exposures. Researchers identified and characterized the
vaccine-induced immune responses that correlated with this protection.
          基于Ad26的马赛克疫苗最初是由国立变态反应与传染病研究所授权的Dan h .
          The promising, early-stage results from the APPROACH study support further
evaluation of these candidate vaccines to assess their ability to protect those
at risk of acquiring HIV, said Dr. Barouch, a principal investigator for
APPROACH. He also is director of the Center for Virology and Vaccine Research at
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston and professor of medicine at
Harvard Medical School.
          Following the third vaccination, most APPROACH participants had developed
antibody and cellular immune responses against HIV. The different boost vaccines
altered the magnitude and character of these immune responses, with the regimen
that showed greatest protection in monkey studies also eliciting among the
greatest immune responses in humans. The anti-HIV immune responses increased
after the fourth vaccination.
          The researchers conclude that further evaluation of this approach would use
a regimen comprising two Ad26 mosaic primes and two boosts with Ad26 mosaic and
clade C gp140. The ongoing TRAVERSE trial is comparing Ad26-based regimens
containing three mosaic antigens (trivalent) with Ad26-based regimens containing
four mosaic antigens (tetravalent). Results from TRAVERSE are expected in late
          研究人员得出结论,对这种方法的进一步评估将采用两种Ad26马赛克优质型和两种Ad26马赛克增强型以及clade C
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查看完整版本: 2018考研英语双语阅读:艾滋病疫苗真来了?