考研网 发表于 2017-8-7 20:24:18


          Used clothes collected for charity are being exported for profit
          After the wide installation of recycling bins at streets and residential
communities, people have been donating their used clothes for the sake of
charity and environmental protection. However, to their astonishment, some
people have found that their donated clothes were exported to Africa, becoming
part of a business chain for some to make huge profits.
          An undercover video filmed by Qingdao Television in East China’s Shandong
Province has gone viral, triggering public outcry. In the video, the reporters
followed a truck that collected used clothes from recycling bins and transported
them to a warehouse in Qingdao’s Licang district. A warehouse employee told the
reporters that these used clothes would be washed and sterilized and then sent
to the next destination.
          After a whole night of wait, the reporters found that these packed clothes
were sent to a factory in a local village, where the clothes would undergo
further processing for sale. "The zips are sold at 20 yuan per kilogram and
20,500 yuan per ton," said one of the workers, adding that clothes of good
quality have already been exported to Africa.
          The video has sparked heated discussion online, with many people saying
that while they are not opposed to the sale of used clothes, they firmly condemn
those who are making profit in the name of charity.
          Insiders pointed out that the reuse of used clothes is an emerging market
in China and the combination of charity and commercial use could be a better
solution to make the most of the resources, while calling for a supervision over
the installation of recycling bins and stricter check on the enterprises which
are engaged in the business.
          In China, old clothes can be legally exported to some countries for
donation and reuse. China’s exports of used clothes to Africa could be traced
back to 20 years ago, but the business began to grow only after 2008. However,
the market is not as profitable as people expected, said Fang Xiaodong, founder
of usedclothingtrade.com, China’s old clothes website, a sales platform that
provides market information about old clothes, shoes or other articles for daily
          For example, the summertime secondhand clothes are purchased at the price
of 4,000 ($594) to 6,000 yuan per ton and exported at the price of 8,000 yuan
per ton. Some money is needed for operation, hiring workers and customs
clearance. There won’t be any profits left, Fang told the Global Times.
          According to the latest statistics from the China Association of Circular
Economy, about 26 million tons of used clothes were thrown into trash cans
annually and less than 1 percent of them were reused.
          As there is a huge market in Africa, some enterprises purchase second-hand
clothes from individuals or factories. To save the cost, some of them to place
recycling bins to collect them. Enterprises in Guangdong usually can sell summer
clothes at the price of around 5,500 yuan per ton while the price could be
cheaper in North or Northwest China, said Fang.
          A property manager from a residential community in Xi’an, capital of
Northwest China’s Shaanxi Province told the Global Times on condition of
anonymity that it is very easy to place recycling bins at the community.
          西安的一位住宅小区房地产经理对Global Times说在小区里匿名摆放回收箱是很容易的。
          You only need to show your business license and sign a contract with the
property management, then you can get the right to place recycling bins. And the
property management would not interfere with how the bins are managed in the
community, said the manager.
          The government should release related regulations to supervise the
installation of recycling bins and issue certificates to enterprises that are
eligible to collect old clothes and reuse them, said Fang.
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