考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 16:23:11


        The Party's absolute leadership
    We should stick to the Party's absolute leadership over the army, maintain
a high degree of consistency with the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central
Committee in thought, politics and action, safeguard the CPC Central Committee's
authority, and submit itself to the direction of the CPC Central Committee and
the Central Military Commission.
    Headquarters of People's Liberation Army(PLA) forces must have absolute
loyalty and firm faith in the Communist Party of China, resolutely follow
directions, guarantee a smooth chain of command and make sure all decisions from
the central leadership are fully implemented.
    Loyalty to the CPC is the soul and lifeblood of the Chinese People's
Liberation Army (PLA) and the reason why the PLA can overcome difficulties and
achieve victories. This loyalty should never change or be discarded.
        Military reform
    Major improvements should be made in fighting capability to adapt to
integrative joint operations and the new military system. Corps-level units
should take the initiative in reform and innovation to increase the science and
technology content of the military, boost real-combat training, accelerate the
upgrading process to make the military more competent, efficient and sci-tech
intensive, and build an indestructible combat force.
    The military's structure must be readjusted and optimized, new type of
forces be developed, the ratios between different types of forces be
rationalized, and the number and the scale of the military be downsized, in
order to transform the PLA into a quality-oriented and sci-tech intensive force
from the current quantity-oriented and labor intensive one.
    One of the major goals of the ongoing military reform is to strengthen the
capabilities of the CMC Joint Command Headquarters. Headquarters officers must
have a clear sense of crisis and build a joint command system for
informationized warfare.
    Innovation in the military should be included in the state innovation
framework while military-civilian coordination in innovation should also be
    The world's new military revolution has come at the same time as
opportunities and challenges for China and we must develop foresight and insight
into these development.
    We should cast off the paradigm of mechanized warfare and embrace an
approach to war featuring information technology. The principle of protecting
traditional security interests should also be shifted to one for the country's
comprehensive security and strategic interests.
    With "being able to combat and win battles" as the focus, the reform should
target key problems in strengthening combat preparedness and weak links in
honing combat effectiveness.
    Reform of the commanding system, power structure and related policies
should be advanced to support the consolidation of national defense and the
building of strong armed forces.

kysix 发表于 2017-8-6 17:21:50

        Strict discipline of PLA
    Military personnel should strengthen their awareness of building a combat
force, closely follow situational changes, be fully prepared and make sure that
the Chinese military's combat capabilities are in full play.
    Reform tasks should be implemented and the military's combat capability
should be enhanced through drills under battle conditions. The military should
be strictly governed and according to law, with a focus on primary-level
    We must profoundly recognize the important role of political work in the
army building and pass on to the following generations all the great traditions
which were forged in blood by our ancestors.
    We'll never slacken the efforts to deepen the fight against corruption in
the army, purify contingent of cadres and continue effective crackdown on graft
in a regular manner.
    We should improve work style, carry out the mass line campaign with full
strength, take firm action to address formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism, and
extravagance and fight corruption in order to safeguard the integrity of the
        Military-civilian integration
    The military and civilian integration must be based on the situation of the
country and the army, with distinctive Chinese characteristics. The ideas,
decisions and plans of military and civilian integration must be fully
implemented in all fields and whole processes of national economic and defense
    More efforts should be made to use state-level resources and enlist the
help of local governments as well as social groups and individuals to develop a
series of innovation projects that cater to both military and civilian uses.
    Stepping up military-civilian integration as part of a national strategy is
a major achievement in our long-term study on rules of coordinated development
in economy and military and an important decision based on national security and
development strategy.
    Further integration of military and civilian undertakings should aim to
build an extensive and efficient multisector structure with diverse forms, wide
coverage and upgraded level.
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