考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 16:23:05


      What’s next for Uber?
    Travis Kalanick’s "spectacular flameout is one for the ages," said Adam
Lashinsky at Fortune. The CEO and co-founder of Uber unexpectedly stepped down
last month, after the ride-hailing giant’s biggest investors confronted him with
a list of demands that included his immediate resignation. In just eight years,
Kalanick built Uber into an industry-defining company worth nearly $70 billion,
but his stubborn disregard for ordinary business practices ultimately became his
undoing. Things first began to unravel in February, when a former Uber employee
published a damning blog post describing a culture of rampant sexual harassment
at the company. Since then, there has been a steady drumbeat of unsavory
revelations, including that Uber designed software to dupe regulators; that it
allegedly stole Google’s self-driving car technology; and that Kalanick himself
could be a real jerk, as seen in a viral video of the CEO berating an Uber
driver. Kalanick’s "wild ride" is now over, and it’s not clear where Uber goes
from here.
    Travis Kalanick的“惊人的中断任职是空前绝后的”,Adam Lashinsky在
    The company has a unique opportunity to rebuild its culture, but "it may be
years before Uber 2.0 is realized," said Anna Wiener at The New Yorker. Some
encouraging changes are in the works: An independent board member has been
installed; a formal channel for employee complaints is being created; and maxims
in the official corporate values statement that seemed to justify bad behavior,
like "Always Be Hustlin’," are being replaced. But Kalanick will retain a seat
on Uber’s board, and he continues to own a majority of the company’s voting
shares, meaning he will be able to exert a huge amount of influence "on the
company that was, arguably, built in his image."
    该公司有一个特殊机会来重建其文化,但“优步2.0实现可能需要好几年”,Anna Wie ner在The New
    "Enemies of Uber: This is your chance," said Shira Ovide at Bloomberg. The
company "is distracted — to put it mildly." It was already facing a huge
leadership vacuum before Kalanick stepped down, amid a wave of departures by
senior executives who either resigned or were forced out during Uber’s ongoing
scandals. Right now, Uber needs a chief financial officer, a chief marketing
officer, a general counsel, and a head of engineering. Meanwhile, whoever takes
over as CEO will be keen to recast the company’s public image, whatever the
cost. Now is the perfect time for anyone who has tangled with Uber to ramp up
pressure. Politicians, regulators, and labor leaders might find that a kinder,
gentler Uber is suddenly willing to listen to their demands.
    There are already "barbarians at Uber’s gate," said Christopher Mims atThe
Wall Street Journal. Lyft, its biggest competitor in the U.S., is now in the
same number of markets, and has grown its market share of rides from 10 percent
to 25 percent over the past two years "with far less investment." Abroad, Uber
has grabbed significant market share through aggressive spending, but it still
has to fend off dozens of competitors that are finding that there aren’t
"significant barriers to new entrants in ride sharing." So instead of looking
like a budding monopoly, Uber is now saddled with a damaged reputation and a
business model that’s proven easier than expected to copy. It isn’t hard to
imagine that investors will start to wonder whether Uber is truly worth its
eye-popping valuation. Memo to Uber’s next CEO: "The problems may be bigger than
you think."
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