考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 16:21:22


    Just days after receiving a phone call from Taiwan’s leader, U.S.
President-elect Donald Trump wrote a two-part tweet aimed at China, further
upsetting the most important bilateral relationship for America: “Did China ask
us if it was OK to devalue their currency (making it hard for our companies to
compete), heavily tax our products going into their country (the U.S. doesn’t
tax them) or to build a massive military complex in the middle of the South
China Sea? I don’t think so!” Trump said.
    In his tweet, Trump accused China of manipulating its currency and of
preparing for conflict and war in the South China Sea. Trump also seemed to
suggest that China needs U.S. permission to protect its own national
    The U.S. cannot (and should not) try to dictate the policy of another
sovereign state. Sovereignty means that China, for example, is not always going
to do what the U.S. wants. Furthermore, China will never bow to U.S. pressure.
International relations 101: China is an independent, sovereign state with its
own national interests. As a sovereign state, China sets its own policy and can
retaliate if necessary.
    Trump does not seem to understand what China is doing with its currency,
because he has repeatedly accused China of devaluing its currency. Many U.S.
economists and currency experts agree that China is not a currency manipulator,
and Chinese leaders have long insisted that market forces determine the price of
the yuan. There is no solid data to suggest that current value of the yuan is
being engineered. In fact, the U.S. Treasury Department has repeatedly declined
to label China a currency manipulator.
    China is not building a “massive military complex in the middle of the
South China Sea,” as Trump claimed. China wants peace and stability in the South
China Sea, not tension and conflict. No doubt, China is determined and willing
to safeguard its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, but
the claim that China is militarizing the South China Sea is completely false.
The claim just shows his ignorance of China.
    An irrational and hasty “get tough with China” policy would be detrimental
to U.S. long-term interests. There is good reason why the China-U.S.
relationship is described as one of the most important bilateral relationship in
the world. Not only is the U.S. more dependent on China than Trump seems to
realize, but world peace and prosperity depend on the healthy develop of
China-U.S. relations. Trump needs to get the China-U.S. relationship right.
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查看完整版本: 2017考研英语拓展阅读:川普无理指责中国只能显示他的无知