考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 16:21:04


    Britain expects Donald Trump to stand up to Russian aggression despite his
admiration of Vladimir Putin, the defence secretary said today.
    Sir Michael Fallon appeared to have inside knowledge of Mr Trump’s
thinking, saying in an interview that his officials were talking with the
president-elect’s advisers.
    Sir Michael is a critic of the actions of Mr Putin following the annexation
of Crimea and the invasion of eastern Ukraine. He told BBC Radio 4’s Today
programme that he did not believe that Britain’s tough stance on Russia would
leave it isolated on the international stage.
    He was responding to the suggestion that UK policy towards the Kremlin
looked increasingly out of kilter with key allies such as the United States,
given Mr Trump’s praise of Mr Putin on the campaign trail, and France, where
another Putin fan, Francois Fillon, has emerged as a leading candidate in the
race for the presidency.
    “I think you have to distinguish between the campaign rhetoric of
president-elect Trump and what he does in practice. In practice every American
administration has always stood up to Russia,” Sir Michael said.
    “We are not suggesting you shouldn’t talk to Russia, but what you can’t do
is treat Russia as business as usual, as any kind of equal partner.”
    Asked if he had any contact with the president-elect’s team, Sir Michael
said: “Our people are talking to people who are advising Trump, and we are
waiting for his nomination of defence secretary.
    Sir Michael warned that Mr Putin was trying to test the western alliance
and that countries on Nato’s eastern flank needed reassurance.
    “Test is the right word, that is what he has been doing,” he said, speaking
before meeting his Polish counterpart. Poland is one of the Nato members most
concerned about Russia’s actions.
    “We have seen long-range aviation, Russian bombers flying down the edge of
our flight region; we have seen more submarine activity; we have seen manoeuvres
on the borders outside the Baltic states and across the border from Poland; we
have seen more maritime activity in the Baltic; we have had this carrier group
sail through the English Channel. So Putin, I think, is testing the alliance and
we have to respond.”
    Sir Michael added: “We have to make clear that Nato is a defensive alliance
but equally it is prepared to come to the defence of those members who feel very
vulnerable, particularly on the eastern flank.”
    The US is by far the biggest contributor to Nato in terms of the size of
its military and amount it spends on defence and the election of Mr Trump has
caused alarm among European members of the alliance. He has suggested that the
US might only come to the defence of a Nato ally in future if they were spending
at least 2 per cent of national income on defence — a target that is only met by
five of the alliance’s 28 member states. Britain and Poland are among that
    Sir Michael said that it was vital for all other Nato allies to reverse the
trend of sliding expenditure on the armed forces of Europe.
    “It is extremely important now that the alliance pulls itself together,
that Nato members increase their defence spending and that we reassure those
members who feel extremely vulnerable,” he said.
    Britain plans to deploy about 150 troops from the Light Dragoons regiment
in Catterick to Orzysz in northeast Poland, close to the border with the Russian
enclave Kaliningrad, to underline London’s commitment to Nato’s collective
defence agreement.
    A further 800 troops will be sent to Estonia to lead a multinational
battalion as part of a series of measures to deter Russia from testing Nato’s
resolve to defend itself.
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