考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 16:20:43

2017考研英语阅读题源文章解析:Girls Going Mild(er)

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    From Newsweek
    By Jennie Yabroff
       Girls Going Mild(er)
    Consider the following style tips for girls: skirts and dresses should fall
no more than four fingers above the knee. No tank tops without a sweater or
jacket over them. Choose a bra that has a little padding to help disguise when
you are cold. These fashion hints may sound like the prim mandates of a 1950s
"health" film.
    But they are from the Web site of Pure Fashion, a modeling and etiquette
program for teen girls whose goal is "to show the public it is possible to be
cute, stylish and modest." Pure Fashion has put on 13 shows in 2007 featuring
600 models. National director Brenda Sharman estimates there will be 25 shows in
2008. It is not the only newfangled outlet for old-school ideas about how girls
should dress: ModestAPParelUSA.com, ModestByDesign. com and DressModestly.com
all advocate a return to styles that leave almost everything to the imagination.
They cater to what writer Wendy Shalit claims is a growing movement of "girls
gone mild"--teens and young women who are rejecting promiscuous "bad girl" roles
embodied by Britney Spears, Bratz Dolls and the nameless. shirtless thousands in
“Girls Gone Wild" videos. Instead, these girls cover up, insist on enforced
curfews on college campuses, bring their moms on their dates and pledge to stay
virgins until married. And they spread the word: in Pennsylvania, a group of
high-school girls "girlcotted" Abercrombie & Fitch for selling T shirts with
suggestive slogans (who needs brains when you have these?). Newly launched Eliza
magazine bills itself as a "modest fashion" magazine for the 17- to 34-year-old
demographic. Macy's has begun carrying garments by Shade Clothing, which was
founded by two Mormon women wanting trendy, but not-revealing, clothes. And Miss
Utah strode the runway of the 2007 Miss America pageant in a modestly cut
one-piece swimsuit. (She didn't win the crown.) According to Shalit, this
"youth-led rebellion" is a welcome corrective to our licentious, oversexed
times. But is the new modesty truly a revolution, or is it merely an inevitable
reaction to a culture of increased female sexual empowerment, similar to the
backlash against flappers in the 1920s and second-wave feminists in the
    Shalit has made a career of cataloging the degradations of our culture
while championing crusades of virtue. Her first book, "A Return to Modesty,"
argued that chastity was hot--and informed readers she intended to remain a
virgin until her wedding night. Shalit says she was inundated with letters and
e-mail from girls dismayed by cultural pressure to be "bad." She began a Web
site, ModestyZone.net--there are at least a dozen similar ones toddy—and started
collecting information from 3,000 e-mail exchanges between 1999 and 2006.
"There's a dawning awareness that maybe not everyone participating in these
behaviors is happy with them, so let's not assume everyone doing this is
empowered," she says. She blames the usual suspects: media, misguided feminist
professors, overly permissive parents. Sharman also points a finger at Moms Cone
Wild. "It used to be that moms would control the way their daughters dressed.
But now we have this 'Desperate Housewives' culture, and the moms are as
influenced by the media as the kids," she says. "They've lost the sense of
encouraging their daughters to be ladylike." Pure Fashion, which is affiliated
with the Roman Catholic organization Regnum Chrisri, aims to "help young ladies
make better choices," say Sharman.
    This not the first time women have been asked to make these choices. During
a century of tumult over the roles and rights of women, fashion and sexual
expression have remained lightning rods for controversy. The forward-thinking
women of the 1920s who cut their hair, threw out their corsets and dared to
smoke in public were the Britney Spearses and Paris Hiltons of their day, says
Joshua Zeitz, author of "Flapper: A Madcap Story of Sex,Style, Celebrity, and
the Women Who Made America Modern". "Everything is relative—girls weren't
wearing thongs or getting bikini waxes, but they were coming to school in
knee-length skirts, wearing lipstick and smoking," Zeitz says. "The concern at
the time was that the culture was sexualizing young girls. The backlash came
during the Great Depression, when you see a movement to get women back into the
home, in part to correct this culture of licentiousness."
    The most recent attempt to turn back the clock may be a reaction to yet
another sexual revolution: "Gays and lesbians are becoming mainstreamed, women
make up more than half of college populations, they're becoming full partners in
the workplace and there's a general cultural deconstruction of what gender
means," Zeitz says. "We go through waves of progress and reaction, but you can
never bottle these things back up for real."
    Another explanation may be the mainstreaming of conservative religious
values. Just as what would Jesus do, bracelets enjoyed a cultural moment on par
with rubber live strong bands, faith-based programs like Pure Fashion (which
theoretically answers the question "What Would Mary Wear?") are gaining
acceptance in the culture at large. Most modest-clothing Web sites have
religious underpinnings, from Mormon to Christian to Muslim, but attract
nonreligious customers as well. Shalit is an Orthodox Jew, now married to a
rabbi, and many girls she profiles see religion as motivating. "Since the good
girl today is often socially ostracized, a lot of girl naturally find solace in
their faith in God," she says.
    What makes the movement unique, according to Shalit, is that it's the
adults who are often pushing sexual boundaries, and the kids who are slamming on
the brakes. "Well-meaning experts and parents say that they understand kids
’wanting to be ‘bad’ instead of ‘good’," she writes in her book. "Yet this
reversal of adults’ expectations is often experienced not as a gift of freedom
but a new Kind of oppression." which just may prove that rebelling against Mom
and Dad is one trend that will never go out of style.

kyfive 发表于 2017-8-6 16:57:35

    hint /hint/
    【大纲全义】n.暗示,提示,线索 v.暗示,示意
    cute /kju:t/
    estimate /'estimeit/
    【大纲全义】v./n.估计,估价; 评估
    outlet /'autlet/
    【大纲全义】n.出路,出口; 销路,市场;发泄 方法; 电源插座
    mild /maild/
    embody / im'bɔdi/
    insist / in'sist/
    campus /'kæmpəs/
    virgin /'və:dʒin/
    【大纲全义】n.处女 adj.处女的; 纯洁的;原
    始的; 未使用的
    slogan /'sləugən /
    garment /'ga:mənt/
    rebellion / ri' beljən/
    inevitable / in'evitəbl/
    controversy /'kɔntrəvə:si/
    prim adj.整洁的,古板的 mandate n.要求
    etiquette n.礼节 newfangled adj.街奇的
    promiscuous adj.混杂的 curfew n.宵禁令(时间)
    girlcott v.使受妇女的联合抵制 demographic adj.人口统计的
    thong n.皮带 backlash n.后冲力; 反撞
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