考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 16:20:43


    The English proficiency of the Chinese has improved since last year but is
still at a middle level compared with other non-English-speaking countries, said
a report released on Tuesday in Beijing.
    The ranking of the English proficiency of Chinese rose eight places to 39th
among 72 countries and regions, according to the 2016 English Proficiency Index
of the Swedish education company EF Education First.
    The English ability of residents in Shanghai ranked first in China,
followed by that of Hong Kong and Beijing residents, the report said.
    Cai Jigang, an English-language professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University,
said Shanghai has held the leading position for several years, thanks in part to
a reform since 2013 of English language courses offered to all college students
in the city.
    According to Cai, the aim of college English courses in the past was to
help students pass the College English Test. "But after the reform, the courses
have focused more on meeting students’ needs in their professional studies,
academic research and job search," he said.
    In Asia, the English proficiency of people in Singapore ranked first, while
Malaysia and the Philippines also ranked high, it said.
    Adults from the Netherlands are the best English speakers among people from
non-English-speaking countries, followed by Denmark and Sweden, the report
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查看完整版本: 2017考研英语拓展阅读:最新报告称中国的英语水平大幅提升