考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 16:20:28

2017考研英语拓展阅读:川普党赶尽杀绝 希拉里或将吃牢饭

考研英语阅读能力提升需要不断地积累练习,通过阅读来积累词汇量,提升阅读速度和理解能力。冲刺阶段,阅读力度要加大,新东方在线持续分享一些有关政治、经济、文化、生活、体育、科技等方面的文章,大家要多多拓展。下面一篇文章是关于川普赶尽杀绝 希拉里或将吃牢饭。
      2017考研英语拓展阅读:川普党赶尽杀绝 希拉里或将吃牢饭
    The congressional probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email
server will continue, first term Utah congressman Jason Chaffetz, leader of the
powerful House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said on Wednesday.
    "It would be totally remiss of us to dismiss it because she’s not going to
be president," Chaffetz said of the defeated Democratic nominee, who the FBI
said was "extremely careless" in her handling of classified intelligence.
    “I still have a duty and obligation to get to the truth about one of the
largest breaches of security at the State Department,” he said. “Tens of
thousands of documents still have not been turned over to Congress.”
    Just last week, congressional Republicans were talking about using the
investigation as a way to impeach Clinton, if she had been elected to the
    He said that Clinton herself would likely not be asked to testify, but that
several of her staffers could be, and that they could lose their government
security clearance.
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