考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 16:20:17


    From next month, visitors to the Palace Museum in Beijing will be able to
see at first hand the restoration of some of the Palace antiques, museum
director Shan Jixiang said on Thursday.
    Dubbed "the antiques hospital," the museum’s repair and restoration
workshop is reaching the end of two years of its own reconstruction and
renovation, and is due to open to public on Dec. 26.
    Visitors will then have the chance to watch the repair of museum exhibits
such as paintings and calligraphy, bronze, porcelain and furniture.
    "We would like to treat the objects in the same way patients are treated in
hospital," Shan said. "Before repairs begin, we need a thorough diagnosis,
making clear such details as the date, material, and the problems."
    The center boasts world-class talent and the most advanced equipment,
including a CT machine and microscopic observation facility.
    By restoring these objects to their past glory, the museum will be able to
offer a better visitor experience, he said.
    Also known as the Forbidden City, the Palace Museum has a collection of
over 1.8 million historical objects.
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查看完整版本: 2017考研英语拓展阅读:故宫“文物医院”下月开放