考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 16:20:15


    South Korean President Park Geun-hye on Wednesday reshuffled the cabinet,
naming new prime minister, deputy minister for economic affairs and public
safety minister amid a controversial scandal surrounding her longtime
confidante, Park’s office said.
    Kim Byong-joon, former senior presidential policy secretary under late
President Roh Moo-hyun, was appointed as new prime minister. Kim is a current
professor at the Kookmin University in Seoul.
    卢武铉(Roh Moo-hyun)政府总统府政策室室长金秉准(Kim
    Yim Jong-yong, chairman of the Financial Services Commission (FSC), the
country’s financial regulator, was tapped as new deputy minister for economic
affairs who double as finance minister.
    韩国金融监管机构“金融服务委员会(FSC)”主席严钟勇(Yim Jong-yong)被任命为经济事务副总理,兼任财政部长。
    Park Seung-joo, former gender minister in the Roh Moo-hyun administration,
was named as new minister of public safety and security.
    卢武铉政府性别部长朴升永(Park Seung-joo)被任命为公安部长。
    The cabinet reshuffle came amid allegations on Choi Soon-sil, who is
suspected of intervening in state affairs and peddling influence behind the
scenes by using her longtime friendship with President Park.
    Park reshuffled her presidential secretariat on Sunday, accepting
resignations of eight secretaries that include the presidential chief of staff
and senior secretaries for civil affairs and policy coordination.
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