考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 16:20:12


   To take this approach to the New Englanders normally means to start with the Puritans'theological innovations and their distinctive ideas about the church —important subjects thatwe may not neglect.
    【分析】复合句。句中的两个不定式短语To take…和 to start with...分别作主句的主语和宾语;破折号后的内容补充说明 theological innovations and distinctive ideas,其中包含that引导的定语从句,修饰subjects。
    【点拨】动词短语take a/an…approach to sth.意思是“对…采用...方法/态度”。
    1.Students differ in how they learn, depending on the background, experience andaptitude.
    2.Trains are subject to delays after, the heavy snowfalls.
    3.The badly wounded take priority for medical attention over those only slightly hurt.
    15.He must be out of his mind to deride such a brilliant person as a fool.
    17.Despite her professional success, she is always over shadowed by her husband.
    19.I’m not sick;on the contrary,I’m in the peak of health.
    20.It is advisable to take an open-mind approach to new ideas.
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