考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 16:19:46


        You have all heard it repeated that men of sciencework by means of induction (归纳法)and deduction,that by the help of these operations, they, in a sortof sense, manage to extract from Nature certainnatural laws, and that out of these, by some specialskill of their own, they build up their theories.
    复合句。句子主干为You have all heard it repeatedthat…,that…,and that… ,it为形式宾语,真正的宾语是三个并列的that从句。第一个从句中,bymeans of induction and deduction为方式状语,翻译时,应置于谓语动调之前。第二个从句的主干为they…manage to?extract…certain natural laws,状语 in a sort of sense 可译于从句句首,状语bythe help of these operations译于主谓之间,from Nature译于动词extract之前。第三个从句采取顺译法,they指代上一句的certain natural laws,需明确。
    1、extract from “从…中提取”。2、 build up“逐步建立;增进,增强;积累”。
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