考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 16:19:45


    A new property tax law draft is expected to be submitted to the National
People’s Congress(NPC) for deliberation in 2017, Beijing-based Legal Daily
    According to Hao Ruyu, an NPC Standing Committee member, the drafting
process had begun in July. The Standing Committee of the NPC, China’s top
legislature,included the law in a legislation plan released in August 2015.
    The absence of a property registration system in China is an obstacle in
introducing property tax, said Shi Zhengwen, deputy director of the Chinese
Association for Fiscal and Tax Law, in an interview with Legal Daily. Shi is
also a professor of fiscal and tax law at China University of Political Science
and Law.
    Shi’s opinion was echoed by Feng Qiaobin, a professor of public finance at
the Chinese Academy of Governance. Feng said that China needs to have unified
property registration in all cities and counties, and that a unified property
registration system should be introduced nationwide.
    Following the lead of dozens of cities in China, the Shanghai municipal
government has implemented a unified real estate registration system across the
city. The city’s government also ceased issuing property ownership certificates
starting Oct. 8, Global Times reported.
    Although citizens around China hope property tax can help to curb
speculation and the rise of housing prices, Liu Jianwen, a professor at Peking
University Law School, said that the tax will mainly help to optimize local tax
systems and local fiscal revenue. It will also adjust income distribution,
according to Liu.
    China aims to achieve unified property registration in all cities and
counties by the end of this year, Xinhua News Agency reported. A total of 21
cities around China have released newly tightened measures for home purchases
since Sept. 30, all aimed at cooling down the market.
    Feng said it will be difficult to introduce the property tax in 2017;
however, he predicts that it will be introduced by 2020.
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查看完整版本: 2017考研英语拓展阅读:中国考虑开征房产税