考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 16:19:33


    The China Academy of Space Technology has announced plans to launch the
world’s first X-ray pulsar navigation satellite (XPNAV-1) in November, Xinhua
    The move brings autonomous spacecraft navigation and a more precise
deep-space GPS one step closer to reality.
    X-ray pulsar navigation is an innovative navigation technique wherein
periodic X-ray signals emitted from pulsars are used to determine the location
of a spacecraft in deep space.
    Current ground-based navigation methods are limited by the time delay
between spacecraft and the Earth. However, for certain type of pulsars, called
"millisecond pulsars," pulses of radiation occur with the regularity and
precision of an atomic clock. As a result, in some scenarios, the pulsar X-ray
can take less time to estimate a location. This leads to more precise
measurements of a spacecraft’s location.
    However, since X-rays from pulsars are absorbed by the atmosphere,
scientists must launch satellites to continue research of the new
    According to Shuai Ping, chief scientist behind the research of XPNAV-1
satellite, the key aim of this satellite is to detect the details of X-ray
signals of 26 nearby pulsars, and to create a "pulsar navigation database." This
target could be achieved within five to 10 years, Shuai estimates.
    X-ray pulsar navigation techniques are an improvement over the current
navigation methods of the ground-based Deep Space Network (DSN) and the European
Space Tracking (ESTRACK) network. The time delay affecting DSN and ESTRACK can
be up to several hours for a mission taking place near the outer planets, and
even longer for a mission outside the solar system.
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查看完整版本: 2017考研英语拓展阅读:中国将发射世界首颗脉冲星导航卫星