考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 16:19:07


    The governor of North Carolina has declared a state of emergency in the
city of Charlotte, sending in the National Guard, as unrest over a police
shooting continues.
    Violence erupted for a second night as protests over the killing of a black
man spun out of control.
    One protester is in a critical condition after a "civilian on civilian"
incident, the city said.
    Riot police used tear gas as they faced hundreds of protesters.
    The demonstrators are angry that Keith Lamont Scott, 43, was killed by
police on Tuesday.
    这些示威者都是由于对周二发生的43岁的Keith Lamont Scott被警察枪杀一事感到愤怒而走上街头的。
    Police say Mr. Scott was repeatedly told to drop his handgun before he was
shot but his family say he was reading a book at the time.
    Sixteen police officers were injured in unrest on Tuesday night.
    Governor Pat McCrory declared the state of emergency as rioters attacked
journalists and other people, breaking windows and setting small fires.
    由于暴徒们袭击了记者和其他人,砸窗户还放了火,州长Pat McCrory 宣布进入紧急状态。
    The second night of protests had begun peacefully but the demonstration was
interrupted by gunfire and a man in the crowd was injured. The city initially
said he had been killed but then issued a clarification on Twitter.
    Protesters then threw bottles and fireworks at the officers, who were lined
up in riot gear. Police fired flash grenades and tear gas to repel the
    The use of lethal police force against African Americans has been the
subject of nationwide protests across the US for two years.
    Another African American, Terence Crutcher, was killed by police in Tulsa
on Friday, and officers said on Sunday he had been unarmed.
    另外有一个非裔美国人Terence Crutcher于周五在塔尔萨被警察杀死,并且周日时警方称他当时手无寸铁。
    Police in Charlotte on Wednesday appealed for calm and defended their
actions in the death of Mr. Scott by insisting he had been repeatedly warned to
drop his gun.
    Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Kerr Putney told a news conference Mr.
Scott first got out of the car with a gun, then got back into his vehicle when
officers told him to drop his weapon.
    夏洛特-梅克伦堡州警察局长Kerr Putney在新闻发布会上说,Scott先生先是拿着枪下了车,然后当警官要求他扔掉抢时他回到了车上。
    He was shot when he emerged from his car holding his weapon. The police
chief was unable to say if Mr. Scott had been pointing his weapon at
    After her father’s death, Mr. Scott’s daughter posted a video on Facebook
in which she said her father had been unarmed and reading a book as he waited
for the school bus to drop off his son, when he was shot.
    The mayor of Charlotte, Jennifer Robert, voiced her shock at the violent
    夏洛特市市长Jennifer Robert表示对暴力示威者的行为感到震惊。
    "Charlotte is a city that has worked very hard to build good community
police relations," she told the BBC.
    "We have been a model of community policing. We have actually trained other
police forces. This is not who we are as Charlotteans and I’m hoping we can move
past these protests very quickly, move into more peaceful protests and back into
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