考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 16:19:01


    BEIJING, Sept. 18 -- The People’s Daily, the official newspaper of the
Communist Party of China, has criticized the United States as the "source of
turmoil in the world."
    北京9月18日电 中国共产党官方报纸《人民日报》批评美国为“世界动荡之源”。
    The newspaper on Sunday published three articles by Chinese scholars to
analyze the causes of expansive and hegemonic moves by the United States from
systemic, ideological and strategic perspectives.
    An editor’s note on the page said that U.S. interventions are behind unrest
and disputes in many places, including the Middle East, Eastern Europe and the
South China Sea.
    "The United States is keen to make messes in the world, cast shadows on
order and stability in multiple regions and jeopardize peace and development in
relevant countries," the note said.
    An article by Yang Guangbin, a professor of politics at Renmin University,
pointed out that the "military-industrial complex," which former U.S. President
Dwight D. Eisenhower warned against, is "kidnapping U.S. domestic and diplomatic
    The "military-industrial complex" naturally demands war and military
expansion, resulting in the Iraq war, "Arab Spring" uprisings and growing
tensions with Russia and China, Yang said.
    Yang also criticized the United States for selling its ideology, which has
brainwashed the elite in some non-Western countries.
    "Countries that have followed American-style ’liberty and democracy’ are
not turning into American-style states. Instead, their lives remain the same, or
even become worse," the article said.
    Another article by Li Wen, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social
Sciences, noted that the United States’ eagerness to make trouble around the
world is due to its "hegemonic anxiety."
    It is "to a large degree, a reflection of a twisted mentality of an empire
moving downhill," according to the article.
    The scholar also denounced the United States’ measures to contain China by
causing trouble in East Asia.
    A third article by Lin Hongyu, a professor at Huaqiao University, said U.S.
maneuvers in the Asia-Pacific region are just part of its overseas expansion and
interventionist diplomacy to maintain its leading international role.
    The article called on Chinese authorities to manage disputes between China
and the United States in a constructive way and to build a new type of
major-country relationship together.
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