考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 16:18:44

2017考研英语拓展阅读:iPhone 7有哪些值得期待的地方?

考研英语阅读能力提升需要不断地积累练习,通过阅读来积累词汇量,提升阅读速度和理解能力。暑期强化复习,阅读强度要加大,新东方在线继续分享一些有关政治、经济、文化、生活、体育、科技等方面的文章,大家要多多拓展。下面一篇文章是关于iPhone 7有哪些值得期待的地方?。
    2017考研英语拓展阅读:iPhone 7有哪些值得期待的地方?
    The much-heralded device comes just as rival Samsung has recalled its
flagship Note 7 over battery issues.
    万众瞩目的iPhone 7即将发布,而苹果的竞争对手三星却因为电池问题忙着回收旗舰手机Note 7。
    The tech rumour mill has been running at fever pitch about possible new
iPhone features and gadgetry.
    由于果粉们对新版苹果手机功能和配件的好奇,关于iPhone 7的谣言在发布会之前就已经满天飞了。
    Many commentators expect Apple to have ditched the headphone jack, leaving
only one port.
    许多评论家都认为苹果将在iPhone 7上取消耳机接口,只留下一个接口。
    That would force consumers to use Bluetooth headphones or buy those
compatible with Apple’s Lightning port that is also used for charging.
    However, old gear won’t be completely obsolete, as Apple is expected to
include an adapter jack.
    但是,旧的设备不会被完全淘汰,因为iPhone 7将会搭配一个转接器。
    Major innovations?
    Recent updates of the iPhone have struggled to make a really big splash as
they have lacked major innovations.
    The speculation is it will be the same with the model due to be revealed on
Wednesday in San Francisco. More of the same - just a little bit better.
    据外界猜测,将于本周三在旧金山发布的iPhone 7和以前公布的模型机差不多。大部分相同,只会好一点点。
    Camera quality is expected to be improved and this time round the upgrade
might mean a two-lens clicker for some of the bigger models.
    A dual-lens camera can take pictures with two different exposures, then
combine the two images for improved picture quality.
    Other expected changes would be improved memory, turning the home button
into a touch sensor and better speakers.
    The new phone is also said to be water resistant, handling submersion for
up to 30 minutes - a feature already offered by several of Apple’s Android
competitors from the likes of Samsung or Sony.
    据说iPhone 7还将增加防水功能,泡在水里30分钟也没事--苹果的竞争对手三星和索尼老早就在自家的安卓手机中加上了这种功能。
    Apple is thought to be sticking with its two sizes, meaning there would be
an iPhone 7 and an iPhone 7 Plus.
    外界广泛认为苹果将延续其两种型号的传统,也就是说将会有一款iPhone 7和一款iPhone 7 Plus。
    Neither is the design thought to be changing much, giving it the same
overall look as the current models.
    iPhone 7的外形设计据信也不会做太大变化,整体外观看起来和现在的模型机差不多。
    Rumour has it there will be more colours available, for instance
reintroducing black as an option.
    据传,iPhone 7的配色方案将会更多,比如苹果公司再次引入了黑色款的手机。
    While the new models will be revealed to the world at the launch, consumers
will have to wait a few weeks before they are shipped. Pre-orders are expected
to open on Friday.
    尽管在今天的发布会上iPhone 7就将会和消费者们见面,但是消费者们还必须要等上几周才能入手这款手机。预订将从本周五开始。
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