考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 16:18:27


    In a glimpse of what the future may hold, tiny microchips are being
implanted in humans so they can unlock doors and get into their computers
without using keys or passwords.
    Sydney woman Shanti Korporaal has had two implants inserted in her hands
which she now uses like she has superhuman powers, the Adelaide Advertiser
    据Adelaide Advertiser报道,来自悉尼的女子Shanti
    Her goal now is to completely do away with her wallet and cards so that she
can lead a futuristic lifestyle, and the sky’s the limit as to what can be done
    她现在的目标是彻底淘汰掉她的钱包和各类卡片,过上未来式的生活 。对于接下来的改造计划,她表示:没有上限。
    You could set up your life so you never have to worry about any password or
PINs’ she said.
    It’s the same technology as Paypass, so I’m hoping you’ll be able to pay
for things with it.
    With Opal you get a unique identification number that could be programmed
into the chip. Any door with a swipe card... it could open your computer,
photocopier. Loyalty cards for shops are just another thing for your
    The implant is almost impossible to spot as it is just the size of a grain
of rice. The microchips can be used in the same way as a smartphone and store
complex data.
    Ms Korporaal has even set up a distribution service for the implants with
her husband, Skeeve Stevens, called Chip My Life in what is a niche market.
    Korporaal女士甚至给她的丈夫Skeeve Stevens安装了一台“分机”,这项服务叫做Chip My Life,目前还处于小众市场。
    However, although it is a niche market at the moment it is gaining interest
as a firm in Sweden proved when it gave its employees the choice of having chips
implanted instead of a work pass - more than 400 took up the offer.
    She said that with technology continually improving films like the
Terminator and Matrix were no longer so far-fetched and the idea of
’super-humans’ was now a real possibility.
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查看完整版本: 2017考研英语拓展阅读:植入微型芯片秒变“超级人类”