考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 16:18:24


    Finland on Thursday said that it was planning to test the basic income
scheme in order to protect state finances and move more people into the labour
market by paying a basic income of Euro 560 (Pound 450).
    The Social Insurance Institution of Finland – Kela – will carry out the
experiment that would start in 2017 and include 2,000 working-age residents who
are randomly selected.
    Prime Minister Juha Sipila, who took office 15 months ago, had promised in
his manifesto to pay the amount as an unconditional basic income. According to
reports, he wants to test if this step will increase employment and simplify
welfare benefits system.
    Health and social affairs ministry said in a statement, "The primary goal
of the basic income experiment is related to promoting employment," and also
added that its target was to simplify the complex benefits system in a
sustainable way. The ministry also said that to assess the effect of basic
income, participants would be held up against a control group. The group would
not include retired people receiving pension benefits or students.
    In June, Switzerland rejected the idea of paying a universal basic income
of 2,500 francs (pound 1,755) to adults and 625 francs to a child, in a
    However, the Finnish authorities made it clear by saying "An experiment
means that, at this point, basic income will not be paid to the whole
    The idea has gained traction in recent years in the political left and
right with the left wing supporters saying that it provides a safety net but
some liberal voices have also voiced concerns that money for nothing can prevent
some jobless people from seeking work.
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查看完整版本: 2017考研英语拓展阅读:芬兰每月每人发放560欧元