考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 16:08:24


Over the next few months a striking piece of symbolism will take place
around the mightyGeneral Motors building on Fifth Avenue in New York. Apple, the
tech group, plans to move outof the basement where it has operated a flagship
store-cum-tourist attraction for the pastdecade, underneath a now-iconic glass
    The tech group will not be disappearing altogether from this prime site,
tucked on thesoutheast corner of Central Park. Instead, it is renovating the
basement to cope with soaringnumbers of visitors, and, later this year, it plans
to move “temporarily” into a space on theground floor of the General Motors
building next door.
    In a neat twist of timing, FAO Schwarz, the equally iconic American toy
store, has decided tovacate its flagship location in the GM building on July 15
“to realise meaningful rent savings” inthe face of “the continuing rising costs
of operating a retail location on Fifth Avenue”. The storehas not yet revealed
where its new home will be.
    So when tourists flock to Central Park this summer, they will no longer see
stuffed animals,dolls, Lego and train sets — or the gigantic “floor piano”
keyboard that Tom Hanks and RobertLoggia danced on in the 1988 movie Big (a film
that helped to immortalise FAO Schwarz).Instead, the site will host piles of
gleaming electronic gadgets — and the inevitable throng ofvisitors who pay
pilgrimage around the clock. (Apparently, the store under the cube is notjust
the busiest in the world but also the only Apple store that operates 24 hours a
day, sevendays a week.)
    Now, in one sense this rental dance is nothing new. As the journalist Vicky
Ward recounts inher book, The Liar’s Ball (which tells the history of the GM
building and which is about to bemade into a Hollywood film), this site has
already seen endless commercial flux. Businessempires have risen and fallen
there at startling speed. Indeed, one of the great (and little-known) ironies
about that famous glass cube is that the man who first dreamt up the idea,Harry
Macklowe, the real estate titan who owned the GM building, actually went
bankrupt(before later rebounding).
    眼下,从某种意义而言,这种租户更迭没什么新鲜的。正如记者薇姬?沃德(Vicky Ward)在她的书《骗子的皮球》(The Liar’s
    To my mind, this switch of retail outlets speaks to far more than just the
vagaries of NY realestate. After all, FAO Schwarz is not just any old toy store:
in recent decades it epitomised a20th-century style of kiddie consumer dream,
which, of course, is why families have long flockedthere to stare at the goodies
— and that famous piano.

kysix 发表于 2017-8-6 16:58:29

    In recent decades, like so many 20th-century American icons, the glittering
fa?ade hasconcealed a sense of rot. For while tourists have visited the store in
droves, they have notbeen spending money on the scale that FAO Schwarz’s owner —
Toys R Us — needs. Thesedays families tend to buy toys at budget downmarket
shops (think Walmart) or upscaleboutique outfits (such as American Girl). The
middle has been squeezed — making it hard tojustify Fifth Avenue rents.
Schwarz的所有者——玩具反斗城(Toys R
    But at Apple’s glass cube consumers are not just thronging to look but to
spend money too.Never mind the fact that the shopping experience itself is often
horrid. (When I descendedthere myself recently, to get a new iPhone, the
basement was so jam-packed and salesassistants so scarce that it felt like the
retail equivalent of the seventh circle of hell.)
    Indeed, sales are so high that Mort Zuckerman, the current owner of the GM
building, isquoted in The Liar’s Ball as saying that “whenever I want to cheer
myself up I just take a walkaround the Apple Store”.
    At the beginning of this decade the store was making “$665m a year for
10,000 square feet”of space “in a windowless basement”. Undoubtedly it is
dramatically more today; in fact, somewell-placed insiders suspect that if
anyone could get comparable public data on sales persquare foot from retailers
around the world (which is all but impossible), Apple’s glass cubewould be the
most profitable retail outlet in the world.
    Perhaps this is just another passing fad, like the FAO Schwarz floor piano.
As the history of theGM building proves, business fortunes swing faster than
anyone can imagine. In anothercouple of decades we may find it utterly bizarre
to think that anyone ever wanted to go into awindowless basement with hundreds
of others to buy an iPhone. Least of all treat it as atourist attraction.
    Right now, I will be watching curiously to see what Angela Ahrendts, the
ultra-stylish designqueen at Apple, does with that cube. Like it or not, it has
now become a powerful symbol ofour modern age, a time where kids (and adults)
still love to buy “toys” — just not quite thetype of toys our parents flocked to
in the past.
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