考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 16:06:50


    Politics this week
    Muhammadu Buhari, a former military dictator supposedly turned democrat,
was elected presidentof Nigeria, defeating the incumbent, Goodluck Jonathan, who
graciously accepted the result. Unless wide-scale violence erupts, it will be
the first time a Nigerian president has been more or less peacefully ousted at
the ballot box.
    Iran and six world powers extended their negotiations on a nuclear deal
past their self-imposed March 31st deadline. Even if an outline agreement is
reached in Lausanne, the most difficultissues will still have to be resolved
before the June 30th deadline for a final accord.
    The UN warned that Yemen is nearing a “total collapse”, as a coalition of
ten countries led bySaudi Arabia continued a campaign of air strikes in support
of the Yemeni government againstHouthi rebels. Heavy fighting was reported in
the streets of Aden between the rebels andmilitiamen and Sunni tribesmen loyal
to the embattled president, Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi.
    联合国警告称,随着沙特阿拉伯为首的10国联盟继续以空袭来支持也门政府打击胡塞叛军,也门正接近 “彻底崩溃”
    The retrial collapsed in Turkey of 236 army officers who were accused of
plotting to remove Recep Tayyip Erdogan as prime minister in 2003. The officers
were freed last year because of errors in their original trial. Meanwhile a
prosecutor heading a separate investigation into thedeath of a 15-year-old
during protests in 2013 was taken hostage; he and two gunmen were later killed
in a shoot-out. And the government said the authorities were looking at all
possible causes for a wave of power cuts that hit Turkey this week, including
    A move to fine people in France who pay for sex, which had been approved by
the NationalAssembly in 2013, was rejected by the Senate, scuppering an effort
to penalise the clients of prostitutes rather than the prostitutes

kythree 发表于 2017-8-6 16:50:27

    The centre-right UMP, led by Nicolas Sarkozy, a former president, and its
conservative alliescame first in the second round of French local elections. The
far-right National Front also made sweeping gains in what was another very bad
election night for the ruling Socialist governmentof Franois Hollande.
    Work continued on identifying the remains of all those who died when a
German airliner crashedin the French Alps. The co-pilot is suspected of
deliberately flying the plane into the mountains. It has emerged that he had
been treated for suicidal depression before getting his licence to fly.
    Peru's prime minister, Ana Jara, resigned along with the rest of the
cabinet after being censured in Congress. The opposition held her responsible
for failing to supervise the country's intelligence agency, which allegedly
spied on thousands of Peruvians, including businessmen, journalists and
opposition politicians.
    Felipe Gonzalez, who was prime minister of Spain from 1982 to 1996, formed
a team to defend two jailed members of Venezuela's opposition. It plans to offer
legal advice to Leopoldo López, who was arrested during protests against the
country's left-wing regime in2014, and Antonio Ledezma, the mayor of Caracas,
who was charged with plotting a coup in February this year. Venezuela's foreign
minister accused Mr Gonzalez, a Socialist, of acting asa “lobbyist for
international and local right-wing interests”.
    Brazil's economy grew by 0.1% last year, slightly better than had been
thought. One reason for this was that it counted R&D as an investment rather
than as a cost, in line with international accounting standards. This year
output will be depressed by spending cuts and higher interest rates. The economy
is expected to contract by about 1%.
    Out of the frying pan…?
    The government in Thailand said it would soon end the martial law it
introduced last May. But itwants to bring in possibly more draconian
restrictions under Article 44 of a new constitution that will give it
wide-ranging powers to detain anyone who threatens to “disrupt or
suppress”national security.
    A blogger who posted writings criticising Islam was hacked to death in
Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. Washiqur Rahman's murder comes just a month
after Avijit Roy, a liberalBangladeshi writer based in America, was killed in a
machete attack during a visit to Dhaka toattend a book fair.
    In Singapore a teenager was arrested after a video he posted celebrating
the death of Lee KuanYew, the city-state's long-serving prime minister, appeared
to criticise Christianity. The 16-year-old was charged with breaking Singapore's
strict hate-speech laws and will be tried as anadult.
    Not doing their homework
    A deadline passed for countries to submit their proposals on tackling
greenhouse-gasemissions in time for a big conference in Paris in December at
which a new climate treaty will be signed. Disappointingly, only a handful of
countries, including America, but not China, have handed in their plans, making
negotiations ahead of the conference all the more tricky.
    Harry Reid of Nevada, who has led the Senate Democrats since 2005, said he
would not seekre-election in 2016. He endorsed Chuck Schumer of New York to
succeed him as minority leader. His Senate seat is now up for grabs; and there
is a chance that America will finally beable to store nuclear waste safely in
Yucca Mountain, a site in Nevada that Mr Reid long blocked.
    Mike Pence, the governor of Indiana, asked the state legislature to amend
the state's new“religious freedom” act to make it clear that it does not allow
businesses to discriminateagainst gay people. The law has sparked protests and
boycott threats. The governor of Connecticut banned state-funded travel to
Indiana, although Connecticut also has a nearlyidentical law, as do about 20
states in all. Arkansas's legislature passed a similar bill on March31st.
    1.more or less 差不多,几乎;大约
    例句:I've more or less finished reading the book.
    2.accuse of 指责,控告
    例句:She accused the official of corruption.
    3.because of 因为;由于
    例句:He was not a particularly good shot because of his eyesight.
    4.responsible for 为…负责,是造成…的原因
    例句:And who was responsible for that deregulation?
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