考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 16:02:40


        Experimental medicine
    A year after the big launch, is Obamacare working?
    TEXAS has a higher share of uninsured citizens thanany state in America. Until recently Shane, a 38-year-old from Houston, was one of them. “I just couldn't afford it,” he says. Shane has HIV; his jobdoes not cover him. Because of his illness, insurers would offer him only a costly plan withlimited benefits. Such discrimination is now illegal. Since January the Affordable Care Act,better known as Obamacare, has required insurers to charge the healthy and the sick the sameprice. For the first time in 20 years, Shane can afford health cover.
    Across town, Suezen Salinas is less fortunate. Having recently returned to college, she has nojob. Her two children qualify for Medicaid, the public health programme for the poor, but shedoes not. Texas is one of the nearly two dozen states that did not expand Medicaid, despiteObamacare's offer that the federal government would cover most of the cost. Ms Salinas alsoearns too little to qualify for Obamacare's subsidies. So she used some of her college financialaid to buy health cover.
    城镇另一端的Suezen Salinas就没有那么幸运了。最近刚返回大学校园继续深造的她还没有工作。她的两个孩子有资格享受专为穷人设置的公共医疗项目—医疗补助计划,但是她不行。尽管奥巴马医改表示联邦政府将会支付医保的绝大部分开支,堪萨斯州是近20个未扩大医疗补助计划覆盖面的州之一。
    Health care in America is changing, thanks to Obamacare and the efforts of innovative privatefirms (see article). And not before time. America's health system, the world's biggest, involves atangled mess of rules and a hotch-potch of public and private institutions. It combinesdazzling technology with minimal cost controls and spotty coverage. In 2012 it left some 48mpeople uninsured despite gobbling up 17.2% of GDP, a figure that dwarfs spending in anyother country and has shot up from 4.4% in 1950.
    Rather than scrap this system, Obamacare rejigs it. It expands Medicaid to include millions ofnot-quite-poor Americans. It seeks to create a market where individuals can buy healthinsurance, pooling risks without the backing of a large employer. Ultimately, it aims to expandcoverage and deliver better care at a lower price. Its record is mixed so far.
    Obamacare created new health exchanges, where individuals can shop for private insuranceand, if they earn between $11,670 and $46,680, qualify for subsidies. As well as barringinsurers from charging the sick more, it requires individuals to have health insurance or pay afine.
    In some states Obamacare works well. In others, it does not. Many Republican-run statesrefused to expand Medicaid on the grounds that taxpayers would be stuck with the bill. Thatleft almost 9m adults who earn less than $11,670 a year, like Ms Salinas, too rich for Medicaidbut too poor to receive subsidies on the exchanges.
    Thirty-six states did not set up their own exchanges (as Congress had assumed they would),instead relying on the federal government to do the work. That put a lot of pressure onHealthcare.gov, the federal insurance website, which hardly worked at all when it was launchedon October 1st last year. It is working better now, but problems remain. A new audit warnsthat more must be done to make the site secure.
    For now Obamacare seems to have expanded cover. Data-crunchers at Gallup, HarvardUniversity, the Urban Institute and the Commonwealth Fund agree that the proportion ofAmerican adults who are uninsured dropped by 22%-26% from the third quarter of 2013, justbefore Obamacare's exchanges opened, to the second quarter of 2014, when enrolment ended.Between 8m and 10.3m adults have gained cover. Much of this gain appears to have come fromthe expansion of publicly-funded Medicaid, however. Nearly 20% of adults are uninsured instates that did not expand Medicaid, about twice the share in states that did, according to theUrban Institute.
    How many people have gained coverage through the new exchanges is unclear. Officials saythat more than 8m have signed up, but this includes some who had insurance before. In MayMcKinsey, a consultancy, estimated that 26% of those who had bought policies on the individualmarket had been previously uninsured.
    Politically, Obamacare remains highly controversial. A poll of polls finds that 51% of Americansdisapprove of it; only 41% approve. Republicans bash it in stump speeches; Democratsmention it only in passing. A lawsuit, Halbig v Burwell, contends that the law allows insurancesubsidies only through state-run exchanges, not through the federal one. If the plaintiffs win,they could kneecap the entire reform.
    政治上来讲,奥巴马医改依然备受争议。民意测验的比较发现51%的美国民众不赞同该医改,仅有41%的人支持它。共和党人在竞选演说中猛烈抨击奥巴马医改,而民主党只是顺便提一提。Halbig v Burwell诉讼案件争论法律只允许通过国营的交易而非联邦交易给予保险补助金。如果原告获胜,他们将保障整个改革。
    Assuming it survives legal challenges, however, Obamacare's success depends largely on howmany uninsured people eventually sign up for coverage on the exchanges. Legally, they areobliged to have coverage, but if prices are too high, some will opt to pay the penalty instead.Education should help—most of the uninsured are unaware of the subsidies available tothem. But premiums matter more, and are rising, by an average of 7% across 33 states,according to PwC, a consultancy. There is broad variation. Premiums are to rise by an averageof only 2.4% in Colorado, but by a whopping 14% in Tennessee, according to PwC. The nextround of enrolment starts in November; many people will discover whether their premiums areto rise or fall just before the mid-term elections.
    Growth in health spending per person slowed from a shocking 7.4% a year from 1980 to 2009to 3% from 2009 to 2012. It may rise again, alas. The lousy economy caused some of therecent slowdown. The government's actuaries expect spending to jump by 5.6% this year and6% a year from 2015 to 2023. As more Americans age and gain insurance, they will demandmore health care. Shane, for example, ignored an aching shoulder and blocked sinuses whenhe was uninsured. Now that he has cover, he is seeking treatment. Big hospitals say they areseeing more patients: Tenet, a giant hospital firm, reported a 4% jump in patient volumes inthe second quarter, compared with a year earlier.

kytwo 发表于 2017-8-6 17:42:21

    Higher public spending on health threatens to crowd out education, infrastructure and morebesides. In July the Congressional Budget Office predicted that, despite the recent slowdown,government health programmes would become the single biggest area of public spending within20 years, and grow from 4.8% of GDP now to 8% in 2039.
    America's health system is terrible at controlling costs for two main reasons. First, insurers andMedicare usually pay doctors when they deliver many services, rather than when they keeppatients well. Second, America relies on a private market of doctors and insurers, yet their costsand quality remain opaque. For decades the doctors' lobby has fought to hide detailed dataon doctors' performance and prices. Robert Kocher and Ezekiel Emanuel report that 30-40%of top academic hospitals have contracts that bar insurers from relaying hospital prices toemployers or patients. What quality measures exist are mostly tied to procedures, not results.
    So patients have been left in the dark. When they have visited the doctor, they have had noidea what anything costs or that it all ultimately comes out of their wages. So they have notobjected when doctors gave them unnecessary tests, or overcharged.
    Thus the cost of a back scan in New York City ranges from $416 to more than ten times thatamount, according to Castlight, a firm in California. A prostate-specific antigen test inPhiladelphia could be $20 or $407 (see chart 3). Quality is erratic, too. Laurent Glance of theUniversity of Rochester found that rates of complications from caesarean deliveries variednearly fivefold among American hospitals.
    Obamacare tries various ways to curb costs. For example, it urges groups of doctors andhospitals to become Accountable Care Organisations (ACOs), rewarded for keeping Medicarepatients' costs below a set limit. However, data published on September 16th show that only aquarter saved enough to earn a bonus. Obamacare also orders the health department to makecosts and quality more transparent. This, too, is proceeding fitfully. In April health officialspublished Medicare payments to specific doctors. This revealed which doctors perform a lot ofprocedures. However, it did not reveal whether those interventions were appropriate orsuccessful. Medicare's more useful data, which would show which doctors keep patients well,have yet to be broadly released; there are worries about privacy.
    A long way to go
    18. Mark McClellan of the Brookings Institution, a think-tank, points out that insurers anddoctors' groups are testing their own versions of ACOs, which might be more successful thanthe government's. Companies are also slowly lifting the veil from doctors' costs and quality.Castlight compiles data from employers' insurance bills, then presents prices to patients.UnitedHealthcare, Aetna, Humana and Kaiser Permanente, four huge insurance and healthcompanies, have given reams of data to an independent research centre. Next year it willlaunch a website where any insured patient can log in and view quality and cost information forspecific doctors and hospitals.
    Patients may increasingly demand change, too. Employers are pushing workers into plans withhigh deductibles, which means they must pay for more care out of their own pockets beforeinsurance kicks in. The share of workers with deductibles jumped from 55% in 2006 to 80% in2014. This gives patients a good reason to shop around for cheaper treatment. In some cases,employers are asking workers to shop around for insurance too, giving them cash to buycoverage on privately-run health exchanges.
    When patients act like shoppers, health-care providers serve them better. In August thenumber of retail clinics, which treat patients at malls and outside regular hours, was up 17%over last year, according to Merchant Medicine, a consultancy. Obamacare's exchanges haveinspired new insurance entrepreneurs. Oscar, started by techies in New York, tries to be thepatient's ally, swapping insurers' usual perplexing drivel for clear information. MedicareAdvantage, a complement to the traditional public scheme for the elderly, often pays doctorsa capped fee to care for patients. Providers profit when patients are well and costs are cut.America's health market has long been an example of what not to do. If it can serve patients, itjust might become the opposite.

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