考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 16:02:09


      Mobile telecoms in America美国移动通讯业
    An audacious merger with a poor reception(注1)联姻大胆,反响不佳
    AT&T’s ambitious bid to reshape America’swireless market has spooked rivals. But it facessignificant hurdles
    PEOPLE who enjoy poking fun at the patchy qualityof AT&T’s mobile-phone network in Americawere provided with some fresh comedy material this week. “So, AT&T and T-Mobile aregetting married. You’re all invited. But there will be no reception afterwards,” tweeted one wagafter news emerged on March 20th that AT&T had bid a breathtaking $39 billion for T-Mobile USA, a smaller wireless operator owned by Germany’s Deutsche Telekom.
    在美国,AT&T移动电话网络质量不稳常遭人取笑,那些以此为乐的人,本周有了新鲜笑料。3月20日,AT&T以390亿美元的惊人出价,竞购德国Deutsche Telekom公司旗下的小型无线通讯运营商T-Mobile USA,新闻曝光后,一条段子在Twitter上风传:“于是,AT&T跟T-Mobile喜结良缘。人人获邀出席。但之后却无人设宴,也无人赴宴。”
    Amusing as this is, the deal itself is no laughing matter. On the contrary, the proposedmerger, which needs the approval of antitrust and telecoms regulators, has sparked a gooddeal of controversy over whether it will be good or bad for American consumers. Somemembers of Congress have called for a thorough review of the transaction and consumergroups have been quick to condemn it.
    Their concern is hardly surprising. America’s four largest mobile-phone operators—AT&T,Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile USA and Sprint Nextel—already account for 82% of the nationalmarket. Assuming the transaction goes ahead as planned, AT&T would add T-Mobile’s34m customers to the 96m that it had at the end of 2010, propelling it well ahead of Verizon,its main rival.
    他们如此关注,并不足为奇。美国四大移动电话运营商——AT&T、Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile USA及Sprint Nextel,已占全美无线通讯市场的82%。去年底,AT&T用户达9600万,倘若交易如期进行,T-Mobile的3400万用户也收归帐下,AT&T就将大大领先其主要竞争对手Verizon。
    Critics of the deal, which AT&T hopes to complete within 12 months, say it will undermineefforts made many years ago to inject more competition into America’s telecoms industry. Inthe mid-1970s the government started investigating AT&T’s dominant position in fixed-line telephones, which led to the break up in 1984 of “Ma Bell” into eight pieces. Could the bidfor T-Mobile be a sign that monopoly Ma is trying to return from her grave?
    AT&T maintains that its deal will not beanticompetitive, even though it will leave it andVerizon with a combined 70% share of the Americanmarket, up from 58%. It points out that the averageinflation-adjusted price for wireless services inAmerica fell by 50% from 1999 to 2009 according tothe Government Accountability Office, an arm ofCongress, even though there were several largemergers involving mobile-phone companies duringthat period. The company also argues that manylocal markets in America still have five or moremobile-phone firms pitching for customers’ business, so taking T-Mobile out of the mix shouldnot dent competition.
    Fans of the deal reckon such arguments should be enough to convince regulators. Hal Singerof Navigant Economics, a consulting firm, notes that although T-Mobile’s prices are low, it hasbeen losing subscribers rapidly, which suggests that it is hardly an effective check onAT&T. That may explain why Deutsche Telekom is so keen to say auf Wiedersehen to itsAmerican wireless business.
    支持交易的人认为,上述理由足以说服监管机构。咨询公司Navigant Economics的Hal Singer注意到,尽管T-Mobile的服务价格低廉,订户却一直迅速流失,表明对AT&T的攻势难以阻遏。这可以解释,Deutsche Telekom何以如此热衷向其美国无线通讯业务道“再见”。
    However, an antitrust expert says that exclusive, nationwide device deals such as the oneAT&T struck with Apple in 2007 for distribution of the latter’s iPhone could encourageregulators to take a far broader view of the market than they have done in the past, not leastbecause in smartphones, the near-duopoly of AT&T and Verizon will be so much stronger.
    At an industry conference this week, Dan Hesse, the boss of Sprint Nextel, gave warning thatallowing AT&T to walk off with T-Mobile would leave “too much power…in the hands oftwo”. The Computer & Communications Industry Association, whose members includefirms such as Google and Facebook, echoed that sentiment. In a statement on March 22nd itsaid that the proposed deal “may be the most aggressive and anti-consumer merger proposalin history.”
    本周,在一场业界会议上,Sprint Nextel老板Dan Hesse警告,允许AT&T带走T-Mobile,会导致“两者掌握的力量过多”。“计算机与通信产业联盟”也附和此观点。其成员包括Google跟Facebook之类的企业。3月22日,该联盟发表了一份声明,称这桩交易提案“可能是史上最咄咄逼人又反消费者的并购提议。”
    AT&T’s plan could also hit another snag. In several previous mergers between mobile-phone companies regulators have required the merging businesses to sell wireless spectrum,network infrastructure and other assets in some local markets to win their approval. This hasallowed smaller competitors such as US Cellular and MetroPCS to snap up the assets, turningthem into stronger rivals in those areas. AT&T has made it clear it is willing to do thesame thing to get a green light for its deal. But given the great clout the new entity wouldhave, regulators may conclude that even a large number of disposals would not guaranteerobust competition in some areas.
    AT&T的计划可能会碰到另一个难题。此前几宗移动电话公司并购案,监管机构都要求合并企业在某些当地市场卖掉无线频谱、网络基础设施及其他资产,以获准并购。小竞争者如US Cellular和MetroPCS得以抢购这些资产,在这些地区壮大。AT&T清楚表示,只要交易获准,它也会照做。不过,鉴于此次并购产生的新实体影响甚巨,监管机构可能断定:就算并购企业大规模出售资产,也无法保证某些地区竞争机制健全,因而不予批准。
    An annual report on the state of America’s wirelessindustry published last year by the FederalCommunications Commission (FCC), which along withthe Department of Justice must approveAT&T’s bid, shows that regulators were alreadyconcerned about the state of competition in mobiletelephony before this week’s news. Havingpreviously affirmed, year after year, that theindustry was “effectively competitive”, it declinedto do so, though it made no specificrecommendations on how to improve matters.

kyfive 发表于 2017-8-6 16:55:24

    Wrapped in the flag假爱国真谋私
    All this explains why AT&T has been doing its best to drape its deal in the Stars andStripes. Among other things, it argues that T-Mobile’s subscribers will be able to benefit fromits investment in a new, fourth-generation (4G) high-speed wireless broadband network, whichwill further the Obama administration’s goal of creating a connected population. (DeutscheTelekom was supposedly unwilling to make a similar investment in its infrastructure.)AT&T also trumpets the fact that its deal would transform T-Mobile from a foreign-ownedoutfit into an American one.
    上述这一切说明了,AT&T为何一直在千方百计让这笔其实为了它自个的交易,也看似对美国有利。方式包括,它表示正在部署一种新的4G高速无线宽带网,将会促使奥巴马政府打造互联人群的目标更进一步,而T-Mobile的订户亦会从中受益。而据信,Deutsche Telekom并不愿进行同样的基础设施投资。AT&T还大肆鼓吹一个事实,那就是这笔交易可能会让T-Mobile从外企变为美企。
    But nationalistic considerations should not be allowed to obscure the underlying impact thatthe proposed deal would have on consumers. Indeed, America’s politicians and regulators woulddo well to look at other countries’ experience before reaching a decision on AT&T’s bid.
    Canada provides a cautionary tale. There, three big companies, TELUS, Bell Mobility and RogersCommunications, were together allowed to gain control of almost 95% of the wireless market.Amid complaints about high call rates (among the rich world’s priciest) and a lack ofinnovation, the government used a spectrum auction in 2008 to create a raft of new players.But these have largely struggled against the industry’s behemoths.
    加拿大的故事可资警醒。该国三大巨头——TELUS, Bell Mobility及Rogers Communications,获准联手掌控了加国95%的无线通讯市场。加拿大话费高昂,全球最贵,且缺乏创新,民众对此抱怨连连,对此,2008年,加政府利用频谱拍卖方式来产生新玩家。不过这些企业应对该国垄断巨头竞争,大多要苦苦挣扎。
    British regulators are taking steps to avoid a similar fate. On March 22nd the country’stelecoms regulator said it would auction a chunk of radio spectrum next year for 4G services.And it said it wanted to manage the auction so as to ensure the country will have at least fournational mobile-phone operators capable of providing consumers with higher-quality wirelessdata services.
    Thanks to AT&T’s move this week, American regulators will now have to decide how bestto defend the interests of consumers there. Mobile-phone users will be hoping that they dial Cfor choice rather than D for duopoly.
    注1:An audacious merger with a poor reception
    audacious merger 与poor reception都语带双关。
    audacious merger的merger表面指AT&T针对T-Mobile的bid,又呼应AT&T and T-Mobileare getting married这句,俏皮地将其比喻为联姻。
    而audacious则指390亿美元的惊人出价,同时指此次并购faces significant hurdles,并且 has sparkeda good deal of controversy。
    poor reception一方面指AT&T的并购交易引发各方质疑,不受欢迎,一方面又呼应the patchyquality of AT&T’s mobile-phone network in America这句,暗指AT&T的移动电话网络信号接收不良。

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