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      The long road home
    How Osama bin Laden's death, and life, havechanged America
    May 5th 2011 | from the print edition
    WHAT America needs, Sarah Palin is fond of saying,is a commander-in-chief, not a professor-in-chief. Like many other Republican critics of BarackObama, the former governor of Alaska ought to be eating her words. Indeed, after the daringraid that killed Osama bin Laden, America has discovered that its commander-in-chief is onecool cat. The president issued the order for the attack on Friday April 29th and it was executedon the Sunday. In between, on the Saturday night, a relaxed Mr Obama gave a wisecrackingspeech at the annual White House correspondents’ dinner. Flashing his toothsome smile, hepoked fun not only at Donald Trump, the presidential wannabe who had questioned whether thepresident was a real American, but also at himself for his professorial ways and tanking pollnumbers.
    The joke now is on the critics of the president’s foreign policy. In one gloriously mistimededitorial, written just ahead and in ignorance of the raid on Abbottabad, Bill Kristol, editor ofthe conservative Weekly Standard, mocked Mr Obama for “leading from behind”. All theRepublicans had to do, argued Mr Kristol, was to nominate “a real leader: a workhorse not ashow horse; a steady hand not a flip-flopper; a profile in courage not in cleverness; acompetent man or woman with strength and confidence in defence of liberty at home andabroad.”
    这个笑话成了总统外交政策的一大讽刺。有篇社论,事前发布,有点不合时宜。文章认为袭击阿伯塔巴德无知可笑。保守派杂志Weekly Standard主编克里斯托讽刺奥巴马“幕后操作”。所有共和党人皆反驳克里斯托,寓意告诉他什么才是真正的领袖:良马不是拿来秀的,是铁腕就不会轻易受伤,假装坚强不是真正的智慧,一个拥有能力和自信的人,无论对内对外都会捍卫自由。
    Mr Obama can now claim to be such a man. It mayhave been mere luck that the CIA at last found itsquarry on his watch. But his cool supervision ofwhat followed, and his brave decision to send menin helicopters rather than bombs from afar, havemade a nonsense of the much-repeated Republicanrefrain that he is soft on terrorism or—a favouriteaspersion—“in over his head” on national security.As a result, his ratings have surged. A poll this weekby the Pew Research Centre and the WashingtonPost found that 56% of Americans approved of theway he was handling his job, up from 47% in April. His ratings for dealing with the war inAfghanistan and the threat of terrorism have improved dramatically—by 16 points and 14points respectively since January. More than seven out of ten Americans say they feel relievedthat Mr bin Laden is dead and six out of ten feel proud.
    It is a sweet moment for the president. But the moment will pass. Had the raid happened 17months hence, it might have been an “October surprise”, like Richard Nixon’s Vietnam peacebreakthrough on the eve of the presidential election of 1972. As it is, both polling andprecedent suggest that the killing of Mr bin Laden will turn out to have little impact on MrObama’s prospects for re-election in November 2012. Pew’s data show that 55% ofAmericans still disapprove of his handling of the economy. Precedent suggests that votersunhappy about the economy will dump successful war leaders. The first George Bush’striumph in the first Gulf war did not win him a second term. British voters turfed out WinstonChurchill two months after his victory against Hitler. And Mr Obama has not “won” the waragainst al-Qaeda. Killing Mr bin Laden has scotched the snake, not killed it.
    For most Americans, the significance of Abbottabad is anyway not about its possible impact onelectoral politics. Nor, apart from a handful of raucous gatherings when the news first broke,has there been much jingoism. There is natural pride in the performance of the armedforces, so different from the debacle of Jimmy Carter’s hostage-rescue mission in 1980 andBill Clinton’s Black Hawk Down moment in Mogadishu in 1993. But the overall mood this weekhas been quiet satisfaction rather than boastfulness. By tracking down and killing the man whoordered the felling of the twin towers, America feels it has righted a wrong: “Justice has beendone,” said Mr Obama. There is catharsis, too. A few of the relatives of the nearly 3,000Americans killed on September 11th 2001 say they feel at least some sense of “closure”.

kythree 发表于 2017-8-6 16:50:58

    The damage he did
    Nations, however, do not heal in the same way thatpeople do. It will take much more than this to helpAmerica as a whole recover from the harm Mr binLaden inflicted. That harm extends beyond the liveslost that day, or in the costly and bloody wars thatfollowed in Iraq and Afghanistan. A full audit of thedamage must include the deep change he wrought inAmerica itself.
    At home, a new generation is coming of age with little memory of the more open and trustingAmerica of ten years ago. The new America keeps looking over its shoulder. It is permanentlyvigilant and relentlessly intrusive. Few people complain about the security-inspired hasslesthat have infected everyday activities, from boarding an airliner to applying for some requiredgovernment document. Safety first is, understandably, the order of the day in a world in whichkillers hide bombs in their shoes and underpants. But the cumulative result of all theseprecautions is a wretched thing. A culture of suspicion, and its accompanying bureaucracy,take away trust in your fellow man. A less tolerant America, whose prosperity was built onopenness to the world, has shut down its borders and locked out many of the skilled andeager immigrants whose help it could dearly use.
    How much of this can be reversed? A lot depends on whether people and their politicians seethe value in trying. Early excesses in the war on terrorism, such as waterboarding, warrantlesswiretapping and “extraordinary renditions”, have been stopped or rolled back. America’sstrong Bill of Rights, respect for the law and tradition of liberty have helped to hold the goonsand snoopers at bay. But fear, and the awful deeds that fear inspires, are hard to uproot.Americans are already quarrelling about whether it was waterboarding, now banned, thatproduced the tip that led the CIA to Abbottabad. With Mr bin Laden in his watery grave, achapter may close. But the country he attacked faces a long road home to the more innocentplace it was ten years ago.

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