考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 16:01:54


      Osama bin Laden
        Now, kill his dream
    Osama bin Laden’s brand of brutal jihad is losingits appeal in the Arab world
    A FEW bullets were enough. But the shots that killedOsama bin Laden in the dead of night on May 2nd ina fortified compound not far from Islamabad cameafter 15 years of dogged pursuit, two long wars inIraq and Afghanistan, well over $1 trillion of spending and around 150,000 deaths. It is a heavyreckoning for one man’s life.
    Barack Obama, America’s president, will justifiably savor a moment so dearly bought. Areluctant warrior in other ways, he has not wavered in hunting down the foot soldiers andcommanders of al-Qaeda as well as its elusive leader. The president chose a manned assaultdirectly on Mr bin Laden rather than an air strike on his compound, as some of his adviserswished, and it paid off. Mr Obama was lucky, but he made his luck—and he deserves the creditthat will now come his way (see Lexington).
    Mr Obama has been careful to warn that violent Islamism is still a dangerous force. Al-Qaeda isactive, even without Mr bin Laden (see article). The alarming problems of Pakistan, Yemen andso many other places threaten to feed more violence. And yet the death of the world’s mostwanted man comes just when radical Islam looks vulnerable to the changes sweeping acrossthe Middle East and North Africa. The task now facing all those who yearn for a safer world isto isolate Mr bin Laden’s savage jihad just as surely as its creator was isolated behind hiscompound walls.
    奥巴马小心翼翼地告诫,暴力的伊斯兰仍旧很危险。即使没有本拉登,基地组织还是很活跃的。巴基斯坦、也门和很多其它的地区很让人担忧,这些地方是个威胁,他们孕育着更多的恐怖力量。然而, 正值激进的伊斯兰面对横扫整个中东和北非的动乱而表现出比较脆弱的当口,世界上的头号通缉犯本拉登死期到了。现在,那些渴望和平的人们当前要做的是跟本拉登的粗暴的圣战运动撇清关系,就像它的创建者本拉登藏在层层高墙里面一样。

kythree 发表于 2017-8-6 17:05:00

    The man who warped a faith
    Mr bin Laden matters because he swept up a ragbagof local grievances into a brand of intoxicating andviolent jihad with worldwide pretensions. His vision,however impractical, of purging Islam andestablishing a single Islamic caliphate appealed toMuslims disgusted by the venality of their own elites.His means of bringing it about embraced an orgy ofmurder and martyrdom partly directed against the“Crusader” West, particularly America. Sad to say,that also appealed to many Muslims for a while. And the whole package was decked with theriches-to-rags story of Mr bin Laden himself—a man who had given up power and wealth inSaudi Arabia, lived simply and seemed almost charmed in his capacity to defy the mightiestarmy in history (see Obituary).
    Terrorists dream of setting the agenda, and in two ways Mr bin Laden succeeded beyondimagination. For many people, especially non-Muslims, the central place he reserved forviolence tainted the whole of Islam. Even as Westerners came to fear bloodthirsty andbarbaric Muslims, Muslims deplored degenerate and imperialist Christians. Mr bin Laden’sbrand of hatred thrived on both those grotesque stereotypes.
    And by framing the fight as a clash of civilizations, he could draw the West into a global waron terror. The attacks of September 11th 2001 tipped America and the West into a fight thatexacted a terrible price in blood and treasure. At home, America has diverted vast resourcesinto a security bureaucracy. Abroad, it has been distracted from the historic challenge thatAmerican power faces in Asia.
    Along the way, America has compromised the values that are its greatest strength. This waspartly by accident, because war is always cruel and messy, but also by design, through thetorture of jihadist detainees and the oblivion of Guantánamo. It is not yet clear whether findingMr bin Laden depended on torture (it probably never will be clear, given that the interrogator’slead identifying Mr bin Laden’s courier took years to bear fruit). What is certain is that hismessage prospered because he could dismiss America’s commitment to freedom and humanrights and claim that the country abused Muslims.
    That message is potent enough to survive Mr bin Laden’s death. Stuck in his compound,without a telephone or the internet, he had anyway become a remote figure. The al-Qaedafranchise, spread across the Sahel, in the Arabian Peninsula and in cells around the world, willsurely now seek to prove its potency. The hope is that the computers, discs and drivesAmerican special forces seized during their raid will wreck such plans. Terrorism being what it is,though, an attack sooner or later has every
    chance of succeeding.

kyone 发表于 2017-8-6 17:45:15

    Strategic failure
    Even if it does, that should not obscure the factthat Mr bin Laden’s infamy in the West is losing itspower to inspire his own people. This partly reflectsthe failure of violence to accomplish the goals heset himself in the Muslim world. Despite years ofbloody strife, the Western way of life has continuedto encroach on Muslims. Jihad has failed to banishnon-Muslim troops from Islamic countries. Westernforces remain in Iraq and Afghanistan. Kashmir ishome to the Indian army, and Chechnya to the Russians. Israel still flourishes. Not onetreacherous Arab government has yielded to the caliphate.
    More than that, Mr bin Laden’s desire to murder his way to salvation has at last arousedwidespread disgust among Muslims. After al-Qaeda slaughtered Shia and Sunni Muslims intheir thousands in Iraq, even fellow jihadis began to condemn his doctrine of takfir, underwhich radicals took it upon themselves to declare other Muslim apostates and kill them.According to a poll by the Pew Research Centre, confidence in Mr bin Laden in the Palestinianterritories has fallen from 72% in 2003 to 34% now. In Jordan it is down from 56% to 13%.
    That still leaves a huge reservoir for recruits, but they have been hard to spot in the uprisingssweeping the Arab world. So far the Arab spring has cast violent jihad to the margins. Whenyoung Egyptians crowded into Cairo’s Tahrir Square, they wanted rights, not a caliph. Even theMuslim Brothers look as if they will opt for civil society rather than theocracy.
    Political change in the Arab world will be neither smooth nor immediate. In some places it issure to go wrong; in others it may yield to hard-line Islam. And yet, thanks to the Arab spring,Islam stands its best chance in generations of re-engaging with politics to found institutions inwhich religious and civil life can coexist. That would be a devastating refutation of Mr binLaden’s ideology of universal Muslim struggle.

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查看完整版本: 2015考研英语阅读英文原刊《经济学人》:扼杀了他的梦想