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      The distaff of office
    More sisters, daughters and wives of powerfulleaders are taking the top political jobs
    Jul 7th 2011 | from the print edition
    “LET’S hear it for Dubai!” Yingluck Shinawatra led thecrowd’s roar of approval at a campaign stop inThailand, leaving little doubt of where her politicalallegiances lie: the Gulf city is home to her brother,the deposed and exiled prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra. “If you love my brother”, she saidat another rally, “will you give his younger sister a chance?”
    Ms Yingluck’s victory in Thailand’s general election on July 3rd is the latest example of anintriguing and, it seems, growing trend: for the sisters, daughters and widows of formerleaders to take over the family political business on the death, retirement or—in Mr Thaksin’scase—exile of the founder. There are now more than 20 female relatives of former leadersactive in national politics around the world. They include three presidents or prime ministersand at least half a dozen leaders of the opposition or presidential candidates (see table). Thereare no historical numbers for proper comparison, but it is hard to think of another period—certainly no recent one—when so much dynastic authority has been flowing down thefemale line.
    Some of these women have made it on their own. Others are at last getting a fairer share of thedynastic privileges that used to accrue to men. Family name confers brand recognition, usefulcontacts and financial contributions—all of which are vital in democracies, and become more soas retail politics become more important. So America has not only its Bush and Kennedy clans,but the Daley family of Chicago, the Cuomos of New York, the Udalls of the Rocky Mountainstates. As politics becomes more professional and specialised —with politicians increasinglyknowing no other walk of life—the advantages of being brought up in its ways and wiles growgreater. Violet Bonham Carter, daughter of H.H. Asquith, a British prime minister, told WinstonChurchill that her father had talked to her about affairs of state as a child. “I wish I could havehad such talks with mine,” was Churchill’s reply, of his austere parent. Many of today’s politicaldaughters have Lady Violet’s advantages.

kysix 发表于 2017-8-6 16:52:19

    Power behind, and on, the throne
    In the past, widows or daughters inherited theirposition. Sonia Gandhi, president of India’s rulingCongress party, is the widow of Rajiv, a formerprime minister and scion of the Gandhi dynastyfounded by Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first primeminister, which descended through his daughter,Indira. This set a pattern in South Asia. In SriLanka, Chandrika Kumaratunga, president from 1994to 2005, has the unusual distinction that not onebut both parents served as prime minister. In Bangladesh the leaders of the main politicalparties, called the “battling Begums”, are each related—one, the widow, the other, a daughter—to the first two presidents of the country.
    In South-East Asia, Aung San Suu Kyi owes her moral authority not only to her courage instanding up to the Burmese army, but also to her family: her father, Aung San, led Burma’sindependence movement. When Indonesia was seeking a new start after the removal of itslong serving dictator, Suharto, it turned to Megawati Sukarnoputri, the daughter of the man heoverthrew. In the Philippines the past three presidents have been the widow of an oppositionleader (Corazon Aquino), the daughter of a president (Gloria Macapagal Arroyo) and Corazon’sson, Noynoy (none of his four sisters has gone into politics). And in case you think widowsmatter only in such rickety democracies as the Philippines and South Asia, consider that inAmerica, eight senators and 38 Congresswomen have directly succeeded their husbands in theirseats since 1921.
    At the moment several new factors are combining to favour the distaff side more. In the West itis no longer exceptional for women such as Martine Aubry or Marine Le Pen to run for thehighest office. In Asian countries it now seems easier for a dynasty’s founder to pass overtalentless playboys in favour of more intelligent and perceptive daughters. Zulfikar Ali Bhuttodid this when choosing Benazir to run his Pakistan People’s Party, overlooking his son, Murtaza,who was also a member of parliament. Thaksin Shinawatra’s choice of his youngest sister,Yingluck, rather than any of his seven other siblings—one of whom is a party leader—wassimilarly vindicated by her performance on the stump.

kythree 发表于 2017-8-6 18:00:39

    First daughters
    In two countries, special factors explain the rise ofpolitical daughters. Park Geun-hye in South Koreaand Keiko Fujimori in Peru got early starts in thefamily business: both had to step into their mother’sshoes and act as first lady while still at school. MsPark’s mother was assassinated; Ms Fujimori’sparents divorced during her father’s presidency.
    Some political families seek to extend their authority by passing the presidency from husbandto wife—a Latin American tradition extending at least as far back as Isabelita, Juan Perón’s thirdwife. Cristina Fernández took over Argentina’s presidency from her late husband NéstorKirchner. Sandra Torres, now divorced from Guatemala’s president, ??lvaro Colom, wanted torun for his job. He was excluded by term limits—and the electoral authorities decided that, as aclose family member, albeit a divorced one, so was she.
    Perhaps the most powerful trend now boosting the influence of political daughters is the familyneed to tame—for electoral purposes—the authoritarian character of fathers. Daughters seemto embody their male relatives’ agenda—but with the rough edges planed away. Aremarkable number of today’s presidential contenders are daughters of strongmen: Ms Park inSouth Korea, Ms Le Pen in France, Peru’s Ms Fujimori, Zury Ríos Montt in Guatemala, DarigaNazarbayeva in Kazakhstan. Ms Yingluck is a variation on the theme: on the campaign, shetoned down her brother’s populism and made a virtue of being untainted by his corruption.Alessandra Mussolini turns out to have been a trailblazer: the kinder, gentler face of fascism.
    也许,现在助推政治家女儿的影响力最有力的趋势是——为了竞选目的——家族需要将父亲独裁者的个性变得更温顺。女儿们似乎将她们家族男性的责任都集于一身——但带来的结果却是磨平了棱角。如今的总统候选人中很大一部分是铁腕人物的女儿:韩国的朴瑾惠、法国的玛琳??勒庞、秘鲁的藤森庆子、危地马拉的ZuryRíos Montt、哈萨克斯坦的Dariga Nazarbayeva。英拉是该趋势的一个反例:在竞选中,她很少谈及她哥哥的平民主义,并且与他信的腐败问题也划清界限。亚历山德拉??墨索里尼被证实是一个先驱者:更加善良、更加优雅的法西斯主义。
    John Knox, a 16th-century Calvinist, condemned the governments of Queens Elizabeth andMary (of Scots) as “this monstrous regiment of women”. The new generation of wives anddaughters may perhaps improve upon their male forebears. But this is dynastic politics still—with the back-stabbing, family feuds and lack of accountability that come with it.

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查看完整版本: 2015考研英语阅读英文原刊《经济学人》:政界中的巾帼英雄