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      An underperforming president
    How Barack Obama allowed the Republicans to routhim over the debt ceiling.
    Aug 6th 2011 | from the print edition
    AT THE very last moment, and just before his 50th birthday this week, Barack Obama got thedeal that raised the debt ceiling by between $2.1 trillion and $2.4 trillion and so prevented theUnited States from going into default on his watch. But this does not mean that the roof is notstill in danger of falling in on his presidency. The superstar of 2008, who once looked like ashoo-in for re-election, now appears extremely vulnerable. Despite talk that he will raise arecord $1 billion war chest, Democrats in Congress have begun to whisper that Mr Obama’sfading chances of winning a second term are coming to depend on the absence—so far—of anexciting Republican challenger.
    Single events seldom determine the fate of a presidency. Those who said just over a year agothat the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico would doom Mr Obama were as wrong as those whothought May’s killing of Osama bin Laden would make him unbeatable. The debt fight is insimilar danger of being over-interpreted. Mr Obama’s fate depends more on two big bets heplaced well before the Republican capture of the House in November’s mid-terms. The health-care reform that chewed up political capital in his first two years tanked with voters, and morethan $800 billion of stimulus spending has so far failed to deliver the hoped-for growth in jobs.The outcome of the next election will depend more on unemployment than on Mr Obama’shandling of the past month’s comic opera on the debt ceiling.
    Mr Obama says that with the debt fight behind himhe can now pivot back to jobs. But the comic operahas meanwhile crystallised doubts about the qualityof his leadership. After all, the Republicans won thisround, even if they did not win everything theywanted. For example, the debt ceiling has beenraised by enough to see the country through the farside of the coming election, without another nail-biting stand-off in between. But on the coreprinciple that Mr Obama chose to put at the centreof the fight—the need, for fairness’s sake, to tacklethe deficit with tax rises on the rich as well as spending cuts—it was he who gave way.
    The president, it is true, did not lose the fight because he lost the argument. He lost becausehe was not willing to be as reckless as the Republicans. Increasing the debt ceiling is aroutine operation that allows the government to pay the bills Congress has already run up. Byrefusing to raise it unless they got their spending cuts, the Republicans in effect pointed apistol at the economy and threatened to pull the trigger if they were denied. An alarmingnumber of them sounded crazy enough to carry out this threat. Faced with the danger of adefault, Mr Obama and his party had little choice but to surrender. And at least the terms ofsurrender include the creation of a new joint congressional committee that might, in theory,include tax increases as well as spending cuts when it produces the next slice of deficitreduction.
    The troubling question is why Mr Obama fell into this trap in the first place. Could he not havemade raising the debt ceiling a condition of extending the Bush-era tax cuts last December?And why did he take so long to show that he cared about putting America’s finances in order?He went to the trouble of creating a bipartisan deficit commission, which at the end of last yearproduced just the sort of “balanced” approach he says he favours. But he then declinedeither to endorse its findings or present a serious plan of his own. This gave the initiative tothe Republicans, who now say, plausibly, that without their brinkmanship there would still havebeen no start on bringing the debt under control.

kytwo 发表于 2017-8-6 16:41:56

    Critics in his own party say that the president then added a sin of commission to his sin ofomission. When the Republicans pointed that metaphorical pistol at the economy, Mr Obamacould have made a bigger ruckus about this use of extortion. But he chose instead to plungein, seduced by the chimera of a “grand bargain” with John Boehner, the Republican speaker. Inthe end, Mr Boehner left the president waiting at the altar—but not before Mr Obama’seagerness for the bargain had endowed the idea of haggling over the debt ceiling with alegitimacy it did not deserve.
    A generous review of the story is that Mr Obamastaved off default while positioning himself in thecoveted centre of politics from where elections arewon. He did not get his way this time, but his callsfor the rich to share more of the burden by payinghigher taxes will resonate with voters when he seeksre-election.
    Maybe. But the public in America, and the wider watching world, saw only a mess. Meanwhileplenty of Democrats on the left grumble privately that the president’s handling of the crisis hasbeen inept, spineless—and all too typical. Having failed to take evasive action, he showed nobottom line once lured into negotiation. In the health-care negotiation, likewise, he hadwasted precious time hoping for Republican support that never came. It all fits into a pattern,they say, of a leader who shies away from necessary conflict, refuses to understand theintransigence of his enemies, would rather split differences than make a firm stand and lacksthe courage of his own convictions. Foreigners—from Vladimir Putin (who this week calledAmerica a “parasite”) to the Taliban—are in danger of drawing the same conclusion.
    Any assessment of Mr Obama needs to acknowledge that when he was elected he inheritedthe in-box from hell: a financial collapse, a prostrated economy, two wars. Now he faces theopposition from hell: a reckless, populist Republican Party whose moderate voices have beensilenced by ideologues and which has made throwing him out of office its foremost priority. Forthese tribulations he deserves a degree of sympathy. But Americans want their presidents tobe winners, not victims. If he expects another term, Mr Obama is going to have to raise hisgame—especially if the Republicans find that candidate.

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