考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 15:55:08


      The science of civil war
    What makes heroic strife
    Computer models that can predict the outbreakand spread of civil conflict are being developed
    FOR the past decade or so, generals commanding the world's most advanced armies havebeen able to rely on accurate forecasts of the outcomes of conventional battles.
    Given data on weather and terrain, and the combatants' numbers, weaponry, positions,training and level of morale, computer programs such as the Tactical Numerical DeterministicModel, designed by the Dupuy Institute in Washington, DC, can predict who will win, howquickly and with how many casualties.
    Guerrilla warfare, however, is harder to model than open battle of this sort, and the civilinsurrection that often precedes it is harder still.
    Which, from the generals' point of view, is a pity, because such conflict is the dominantform of strife these days.
    The reason for the difficulty is that the fuel of popular uprisings is not hardware, but socialfactors of a type that computer programmers find it difficult to capture in their algorithms.
    Analysing the emotional temperature of postings on Facebook and Twitter, or thetelephone traffic between groups of villages, is always going to be a harder task thananalysing physics-based data like a tank's firing range or an army's stocks of ammunitionand fuel.
    Harder, but not impossible.
    For in the war-games rooms and think-tanks of the rich world's military powers, brightminds are working on the problem of how to model insurrection and irregular warfare.
    Slowly but surely they are succeeding, and in the process they are helping politicians andarmies to a better understanding of the nature of rebellion.
    SCARE tactics
    One of the best-known projects in this field is SCARE, the Spatio-Cultural Abductive ReasoningEngine, developed at the United States Military Academy at West Point by a team led byMajor Paulo Shakarian, a computer-scientist-turned-soldier.
    本领域中最有名的项目之一是SCARE,全称为空间文化推导仪,是由设立在西点军校的美国军事科学院的Paulo Shakarian少校所领导的团队开发的。
    SCARE operates at the most militarily conventional end of the irregular-conflictspectrum: the point where an army of guerrillas is already in being and is making life hardfor a notionally better-armed army of regular troops.
    Paulo Shakarian少校是一名军事计算机科学家。SCARE在非常规的战争冲突中军事图谱上看来传统的结束时分运作,即游击队已经到来,让我们观念中装备精良的正规军陷入困境之时运作。
    That, of course, has been the experience of American forces in Vietnam, Iraq andAfghanistan.
    Major Shakarian and his team have analysed the behaviour of guerrillas in both Iraq andAfghanistan, and think they understand it well enough to build reliable models.
    Their crucial insight is the local nature of conflict in these countries.
    In particular, bombs directed at occupying forces are generally planted close to the placewhere they were made, and on the territory of the bombmaker's tribal kin or co-religionists.
    That is not a surprise, of course. Kin and co-religionists are the most reliable allies in warswhere different guerrilla groups may not always see eye to eye about objectives, beyond theimmediate one of driving out foreign troops.
    But it does give Major Shakarian and his team a convenient way in.
    Using the co-ordinates of previously bombed sites, data from topographical and streetmaps, and information on an area's ethnic, linguistic and confessional human terrain,SCARE is able to predict where guerrillas' munition dumps will be to within about 700metres.
    That is not perfect, but it is close enough to be able to focus a search in a useful way.
    Moreover, SCARE's focus should soon become more precise.
    此外, SCARE的焦点很快会更加精准。
    Major Shakarian's latest trick is to include data on phone-traffic patterns in the calculations.
    An upgraded version of the program, employing this trick, will be created next month.
    All of which is useful for dealing with a conflict once it has started.
    But it is better, if possible, to see what may happen before things get going.
    And for that, America's navy has a project called RiftLand.
    RiftLand is being developed on the navy's behalf by Claudio Cioffi-Revilla, a professor ofcomputational social science at George Mason University in Virginia.
    分裂的土地是由维吉尼亚的乔治梅森大学的计算社会科学教授Claudio Cioffi-Revilla为代表开发的。
    It is specific to the part of East Africa around the Great Rift Valley.
    That this area includes Congo, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Somalia and Uganda, each of which hasbeen the scene of present or recent civil strife, is no coincidence.
    But the ideas involved could be generalised to other parts of the world, with due alteration forlocal conditions.
    Broadly, RiftLand works by chewing its way through a range of data collected by charities,academics and government agencies, and uses these to predict where groups of people willgo and with whom they may clash in times of drought or armed conflict.
    Dr Cioffi-Revilla gives the example of a tribe of nomadic herders known for sharing itsnotions of veterinary medicine with others.
    This tribe, the model predicts, will reckon it safer to cross the lands of groups who also relyon keeping their animals healthy.
    Another point is that tribes who own a radio or mobile phone will steer clear of roads afternews reports of government atrocities against their kin.
    A third is that much of the movement of herdsmen can be predicted from satellite data onthe condition of pasture lands, modified by knowledge of what Dr Cioffi-Revilla calls thecomplex network of IOUs between tribes: which are currently hostile to one another, andwho owes whom favours.
    Hostile sentiments
    The sort of conflict dealt with by RiftLand—a war of all against all in countries where centralgovernment is light or non-existent—has been particularly characteristic of this part ofAfrica in recent years.
    Further north, where states are stronger, urban insurrection of the sort seen at the beginningof the Arab spring is a more common threat.
    Politicians faced with such uprisings may thus be interested in yet another piece of software,known as Condor, which has been developed by Peter Gloor of the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology.
    政治家们面临着,这些暴乱势力可能对另一个软件叫做秃鹰感兴趣。它是由麻省理工的Peter Gloor开发的。
    Dr Gloor is certainly not in the business of saving the jobs of Middle-Eastern dictators. He isactually a consultant to the Christian Democratic Union, Germany's largest political party.
    But all politicians in power, whether democrats or dictators, share a distaste fordemonstrations and protests on the streets.
    Condor works by sifting through data from Twitter, Facebook and other social media, andusing them to predict how a public protest will evolve.
    It does so by performing what Dr Gloor calls sentiment analysis on the data.
    Sentiment analysis first classifies protesters by their clout.
    An influential Twitter user, for instance, is one who has many followers but follows fewpeople himself.
    His tweets are typically upbeat, are rapidly retweeted, and appear to sway others.
    In a nod to the methods developed by Google, Dr Gloor refers to this process as PageRankingfor people.
    Having thus ranked protesters, Condor then follows those at the top of the list to see howtheir output changes.
    Dr Gloor has found that, in Western countries at least, non-violent protest movementsbegin to burn out when the upbeat tweets turn negative, with not, never, lame, I hate, idiotand so on becoming more frequent.
    Gloor博士发现,至少在西方国家,当欢快的发言变得消极, 不,从不,蹩脚的,我讨厌,傻瓜等频繁出现的时候,非暴力的抗议行动就开始爆发了。
    Abundant complaints about idiots in the government or in an ideologically opposed group area good signal of a movement's decline.
    Complaints about idiots in one's own movement or such infelicities as the theft of beer by afellow demonstrator suggest the whole thing is almost over.
    Condor, then, is good at forecasting the course of existing protests.
    Even better, from the politicians' point of view, would be to predict such protests before theyoccur. Not surprisingly, several groups of researchers are trying to do this too.
    Aptima, a firm based in Woburn, Massachusetts, is one.
    Its program, called E-MEME uses sentiment analysis to see how opinions and states of mindflow across entire populations, not just activists.
    It employs data from online news sources, blogs and Twitter, and attempts to rank thesusceptibility of certain parts of the populace to specific ideas.
    According to Robert McCormack, the project's chief technologist, E-MEME can determinethings as different as which places in Egypt contain people who will care a lot about a borderincident with Israel, and which parts of a country most need water in times of drought.
    据本项目的主要技术负责人Robert McCormack所说,E-MEME能够判定埃及哪些地方的某一群人对和以色列边境冲突比较关心,哪些地方在干旱时特别需要水,这些不同之处。

kyfive 发表于 2017-8-6 16:51:16

    The Worldwide Integrated Crisis Early Warning System project, led by Lockheed Martin, alarge American defence contractor, goes even further.
    全球危机预警系统,是由美国最大的国防承包商Lockheed Martin所主持开发的,这个项目是做得更好。
    According to Lieutenant-Colonel Melinda Morgan of the office of the secretary of defence, inWashington, who is the government's liaison officer for the project, it can crunch greatquantities of data from digital news media, blogs and other websites, and also intelligenceand diplomatic reports.
    据在华盛顿国防部秘书办公室人员,同时也是本项目的政府联络官员的Melinda Morgan中校称,本项目能够详细分析来自数字新闻媒体,博客,和其他网页,以及情报部门和外交部门报告的大量信息数据,
    It then uses all this to forecast—months in advance—riots, rebellions, coups, economiccrises, government crackdowns and international wars.
    Colonel Morgan calls this process social radar.
    Conflict forecasters are even joining the open-source bandwagon, in an attempt to improvetheir software.
    Last August IARPA, an American-government technology-development agency for theintelligence services, started the Open Source Indicators programme.
    This finances developers of software that can beat the news: forecasting political crises andmass violence in a reliable way.
    The programme's manager, Jason Matheny, is now considering the proposals that have comein so far.
    本项目的负责人Jason Matheny目前正考虑提出迄今已有的方案,范围包括从跟踪维基百科更新到用马路监控器监控交通。
    These range from tracking Wikipedia edits to monitoring traffic with roadside cameras. Theonly proposals Mr Matheny will not consider are those designed to forecast conflict inAmerica itself, and those that rely on monitoring particular individuals, whether in Americaor elsewhere.
    Guerrillas in the midst
    Rather than just foretelling the future, however, the best technology should concentrate onshaping it.
    W-ICEWS offers a bit of that.
    It has a what if capability, which allows users to change the inputs and see how things mightdevelop differently given different events in the real world.
    But Venkatramana Subrahmanian of the University of Maryland proposes something morespecific.
    然而马里兰大学的Venkatramana Subrahmanian提出了一些更加具体的建议。
    The Temporal-Probabilistic Rule System, a program his team has developed using $600,000of American-army money, looks at 770 social and political indicators and uses them topredict attacks by Lashkar-e-Taiba, a guerrilla group based in Pakistan-administeredKashmir.
    If it works, this process might be applied, using a different set of indicators, to other groups ofrebels.
    The crucial point about Dr Subrahmanian's model is that it not only predicts attacks, it alsosuggests how they might be countered.
    Dr Subrahmanian is understandably cagey about the details, but he does give one example:
    if an attack requires complex co-ordination between group members, the software mightrecommend stoking paranoia by forging false communications between them.
    On April 2nd President Barack Obama announced a $10m bounty on Lashkar-e-Taiba'sleader, Hafiz Saeed.
    4月2日,巴拉克奥巴马总统宣布悬赏一千万美金抓捕拉什卡-塔伊巴组织头子Hafiz Saeed。
    It would indeed mark the coming of age of civil-strife software if that bounty, or another likeit, were one day claimed on behalf of a group of programmers half a world away.
    1.rely on 信赖; 依赖;依靠
    We rely on corporations like bp to bring us energy.
    The firm cannot rely on reputation forever.
    2.such as 例如;譬如;诸如
    What about future steps such as euro bonds?
    Imaginary problems such as these are usually hiding real ones.
    3.enough to 足以
    That's not enough to trigger renewed recession.
    It tells you enough to get started right away.
    4.face with 面对,面临
    She fanned her face with a newspaper.
    He flooded his face with anxiety.
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