考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 15:54:38


      Private hospitals in Asia
    On call
    Hospital companies prepare to meet surgingdemand for health care in Asia
    A HUMID breeze wafts through the wards of SiloamGeneral Hospital in Tangerang, near Jakarta. There is no air-conditioning, one of many waysthe hospital contains its costs. Each room has dozens of beds arranged in neat aisles, privacyostensibly offered by beige curtains. The open plan means that fewer nurses can tend tomore patients. Families wait in long hallways, open to the car park.
    The adjoining Lippo Village hospital feels rather different. Families lounge in the lobby, sippinglattes bought at the hospital's Starbucks. Pastries are sold in another shop, trinkets in yetanother. Health care is for sale, too. The wealthiest patients are treated in the presidentialsuite, which has not just a bed but also a sofa, a refrigerator and a flat-screen television.
    Both are owned by Siloam Hospitals, an Indonesian firm. The difference is that in the GeneralHospital, the government pays Siloam a capped price per patient for a given condition; inLippo Village most patients pay for themselves.
    Siloam is part of a booming private business for hospital care in Asia. A bidding battle is underway for Healthscope, an Australian hospital firm which runs pathology services in Malaysia,Singapore and Vietnam. HCA of America, the world's biggest hospital firm, is reportedlyprepared to pay $5 billion to outdo Fosun, a giant Chinese conglomerate. Last month aconsortium agreed to pay $461m for Chindex, which owns a chain of hospitals in China. Thegroup comprises Fosun, TPG Capital and Chindex's chief executive, who is married to ajournalist on this newspaper.
    The companies have every reason to smell an opportunity. Although Asia's emergingeconomies are slowing, the rise of their middle classes is continuing. In Indonesia the numberof middle- and upper-income consumers is expected to swell from 74m in 2013 to 141m by2020, predicts the Boston Consulting Group. Rising incomes mean rising demand for healthcare. The average Chinese city-dweller's health spending more than doubled between 2002and 2010, estimates PwC, a firm of consultants.
    Governments are trying to meet this demand. Malaysia and Thailand already have broadpublic health-care systems. China, which boasts that it has extended basic medical coverageto 97% of its people, continues to make reforms. The Philippines is in the midst of a rapidexpansion of insurance. Indonesia is in the first year of a plan to bring health coverage tothe entire population by 2019.
    However, in many countries hospital beds are in short supply. Indonesia has only nine forevery 10,000 people and the Philippines ten. America and Britain each have 29. And thequality of public hospitals varies greatly. Governments throughout the region say they willopen more hospitals. But private operators think there will be a continuing shortfall for themto fill.
    Some companies, such as Chindex and Siloam, are concentrating on only one country. InChina Phoenix Healthcare Group, which made its stockmarket debut in November, tripledthe number of hospital beds it manages between 2010 and June last year. Deutsche Bankexpects that Phoenix's revenue will grow by 20% a year between now and 2016. Siloam,which also went public in 2013, has 16 hospitals in Indonesia. By 2017 it intends to have 40.

kysix 发表于 2017-8-6 16:18:27

    Others, such as Healthscope and IHH Healthcare, a Malaysian company, have internationalstrategies. In 2010 IHH, then owned by Malaysia's sovereign-wealth fund, bought Parkway, aSingaporean chain of high-end hospitals. In 2012 it snapped up 60% of Acibadem, a Turkishhospital firm. It went public the same year. IHH is now the largest hospital company in Asiaand the second-largest in the world by market value. Its business stretches from Abu Dhabito Vietnam. At Parkway's newest hospital in Singapore, the muted wall colours evoke ahotel; a special scent is piped in to mask antiseptic odours. “Universal coverage is no-frillscoverage,” explains Tan See Leng, IHH's chief executive. “We offer the frills.”
    另外一部分公司则拥有全球发展战略,如Healthscope和马来西亚的综合保健控股(IHH Healthcare)。在2010年,由马来西亚主权财富基金所拥有IHH收购了新加坡高端连锁医院Parkway,在2012年则买下了土耳其医疗集团Acibadem高达60%的股权。2012年同年IHH正式上市。以市场价值来计算,IHH目前是亚洲最大、世界第二大的医疗集团,其业务范围从阿布达比市延伸至越南。Parkway公司在新加坡最新建立的医院里,柔和的墙面色彩让人感受到了酒店的氛围;特殊的香味持续地输入室内以缓和消毒药剂的气味。IHH首席执行官Tan See Leng解释道:“全民覆盖的医疗服务只是没有任何附加的基础服务,而我们会提供更多。”
    However, at least three obstacles lie in the path of Asia's ambitious private hospitalcompanies. The first is simply that doctors and nurses are scarce. Companies in China havetrouble attracting doctors from public hospitals, which offer good pay and pensions.Indonesia's rules for foreign doctors all but prohibit hospitals from recruiting them.
    Second, regulations can be treacherous. Gershu Paul, a former boss of Siloam, says that thetime needed to obtain licences, permits and so on constrains growth. The rules sometimesstop companies investing at all. In 2012 Hong Kong's government requested bids to build twonew hospitals. IHH and its local partners, which agreed to stipulations covering everythingfrom the number of obstetric beds to the share of local patients, last year won the right tobuild one site. For the other site there was only one bid—which was rejected because it didnot meet the government's requirements.
    其次,行业法规或许是不安的因素。西罗亚的前任老板Gershu Paul表示,申请营业执照、营业许可等等的一些条件都限制了医疗市场的增长。有时,一些条款完全让私人公司无法进行投资。2012年,香港政府为建立两所新医院发起了招标项目,而去年IHH和本地合伙人赢得了其中一所的承包权。他们答应了政府要求的从产科病床数到本地病人分享机制的所有条款。对于另外一所医院,在只有一家竞标商的情况下仍因为不满足政府要求而被拒绝。
    The third obstacle is uncertainty. Selling to the swelling middle class is no doddle: in such anew market, firms are finding it hard to gauge what people will pay for, say, a hip operation,or whether they will pay more for their aged parents' care or for their children's. Siloam'sprivate hospitals have six price tiers, an attempt to serve the many segments of Indonesia'sdynamic market, yet last year only 51% of their beds were filled. So far, the rich are themost dependable moneymakers. When IHH considers entering a market, it notes acountry's Gini coefficient, a measure of inequality: higher inequality implies wealthierpatients willing to pay for treatment.
    Eventually some firms may prove adept at offering good, cheap treatment. NarayanaHealth, an Indian company, has tried to industrialise hospital operations to make care lesspricey. But it remains to be seen how many private hospitals will count public-health servicesamong their customers. In China, Phoenix has tested schemes in which the government paysit to run public hospitals. The government has said that public insurance may be used forprivate care, but implementation has been patchy. Of the 40 hospitals in Siloam's plan for2017, only the General in Tangerang will take fees from the government. Hospital companieswill surely be part of Asia's emerging health-care systems. How big a part is much lesscertain.
    最终部分公司或许能在优质廉价的医疗服务领域如鱼得水。一家印度公司Narayana Health已经开始尝试将医院手术工业化,以降低医疗服务的价格。然而,会有多少私立医院将公共医疗服务作为自己的业务内容仍是个未知数。在中国,凤凰医疗集团已经着手进行了实验:政府支付给私人公司去运营公立医院。政府已经表示了公共医疗保险或许也能用于私人医疗服务,但该项目的实施困难重重。截至2017年为止的西罗亚公司40家医院里,只有文登镇的综合医院会收取政府的费用。可以肯定的是,医疗企业会参与到亚洲新兴的医疗系统当中来,而其规模有多大则无法确定。
    1.prepare to 准备
    Others urged obama to prepare to return tocopenhagen.
    I want you to prepare to jump!
    2.tend to 趋向;偏重
    Smaller laptops also tend to have longer battery life.
    I tend to prefer light colors.
    3.swell from 膨胀
    Hills swell gradually from the plain.
    Britain will see its population swell from today's 62.2 million to 77 million, an increase of 24percent.
    4.medical coverage 医疗保险
    What hangs in the balance of studies like this one is medical coverage for cancer.
    On the positive side, dr. chen said that china has extended basic medical coverage to 96% ofrural chinese.
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