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2015考研英语阅读英文原刊《经济学人》:亚洲商业 征服世界

      Asian business
        A world to conquer
    Asian business is reforming. Its emergingmultinationals will change the way we all live
    BUSINESS power follows economic power. In the1920s British firms owned 40% of the global stock of foreign direct investment. By 1967America was top dog, with a 50% share. Behind those figures lie cultural revolutions. TheBritish spread the telegraph and trains in Latin America. American firms sold a vision of thegood life, honed by Hollywood and advertising. Kellogg's changed what the rich world ate forbreakfast, and Kodak how it remembered holidays. The next corporate revolution, as wedescribe in our special report this week, is happening in Asia. This too will change how theworld lives.
    Arrested development
    Asian capitalism has brawn. The continent's share of global GDP has risen from a fifth to 28%since 1984. It is the world's factory, a diverse region of rivals bound together by supplychains. But it lacks brains and global savvy. Asia smelts 76% of the world's iron and emits44% of its pollution, but hosts only a tenth of its most valuable brands and venture-capitalactivity. Its multinationals punch below their weight, owning 17% of the world's foreigndirect investment. Wealthy Japan and South Korea have a cast of superstars, such as Toyotaand Samsung. But few other firms command the world stage.
    亚洲资本强劲有力。亚洲大陆占全球GDP的份额自1984年以来已经增长了五分之一,至28%。 这里是世界工厂,由供应链连结起来的竞争多元化的地区。但是它“力大无脑”,缺乏对全球市场的领悟能力。亚洲熔炼了76%的世界钢铁并排放了44%的污染物,但是只掌握了十分之一最有价值的品牌和风险资本活动。这里,跨国公司的实力与其规模并不相称,只拥有世界17%的外国直接投资。富裕的日本和韩国有众多的明星企业,例如丰田和三星。但是,其他能够在世界舞台上占领一席之地的公司却是屈指可数。
    That is because Asian capitalism has been too cosy. In the boom between 2002 and 2010easy profits were made at home—growth was fast and labour and credit cheap. Two-thirdsof big Asian firms are state-controlled or “business houses” (often family-run). Theseincumbents tend to be chummy with the government and get cheap land and loans. Half ofall billionaire wealth in Asia has been made in sectors, such as property, that are prone tocronyism, versus 15% in the West. Outside Japan, Taiwan and South Korea, innovation hasbeen neglected. Mahindra & Mahindra and Great Wall, car champions from India andChina, have a combined research-and-development (R&D) budget that is 3% ofVolkswagen's.
    For Western firms, Asia's shortcomings have been a relief. The iPhone shows why: althoughit is made by the hands of Chinese workers, it is the brains behind it, at Apple and athigh-tech component-makers in the rich world, that take nearly all the profits. Now,however, the rules that have governed Asian capitalism for the past two decades arechanging. Asian firms are having to become brainier, more nimble and more global.
    The immediate motivation is underperformance: growth has slowed, and Asian shares havelagged American ones by 40% in the past three years. Three deeper trends are also at work.First, labour costs are rising, not least in China, and East Asia's workforce is ageing. Second,Asia's middle class is becoming more demanding. They are no longer satisfied with fakeLouis Vuitton handbags; they want clean air, safe food and more leisure, and are madly inlove with the internet. Third, competition has intensified from Western multinationals, whichhave invested $2 trillion in Asia. They also now use the same cheapish labour, and theygenerally have much more sophisticated supply chains, brands and R&D.
    With their home markets no longer quite so safe, Asian firms are adapting—and becomingstronger. In response to rising wages, production (of clothes, for example) is shifting fromChina to South-East Asia and Africa, led by Japanese firms which are also worried about a warwith the Middle Kingdom. Chinese firms such as Haier, which makes fridges, plan to automatefactories and get into cleverer products. And as the Chinese push upmarket, the Koreans areredoubling efforts to stay ahead. Samsung's spending on R&D rose by 24% in 2013. Ifthey get their act together, India and Indonesia, Asia's bumbling giants, will attract lots offactory jobs. Their best firms are also getting brainier. Once dismissed as “body shops”,India's IT-outsourcing firms are now leaders in big data.
    Rising consumer aspirations are helping internet firms disrupt traditional industries.Alibaba, a Chinese internet giant, is expanding into banking, telecoms and logistics.Analysts think it might be worth $150 billion, more than China's steel industry. China's driveto reform its state-owned firms is meant to make them more responsive to customers. XiGuohua, the boss of China Mobile, plans to give shares to his staff. Across Asia demand forhealth care is likely to create a whole new generation of companies—the industry comprisesonly 4% of the region's stockmarket, compared with 12% in the rich world.
    In order to challenge foreign rivals, Asian firms are globalising, following the example ofSamsung and Toyota. Lenovo, a thriving Chinese computer firm, has Western-stylegovernance and many foreign staff. Huawei has overtaken Ericsson in telecoms equipment.India's Sun Pharma is now one of the world's biggest generic-drugs firms. Tencent, China'sFacebook, has hired the footballer Lionel Messi to advertise its services abroad. Sprawlingbusiness houses are evolving into focused multinationals. Tata Sons is now a superb IT firmand luxury-car maker tied to a ragbag of Indian assets.

kythree 发表于 2017-8-6 17:26:49

    Cereal killers
    Asian business needs to do much more. Big firms are spending 50% more on R&D thanfive years ago, but must get better at breakthrough innovations. Conglomerates must focuson a few areas where they can achieve global scale. Governments can do their bit, byfreeing state firms from meddling and ensuring that powerful incumbents do not stifleentrepreneurs.
    Western firms should pay attention. In some industries—aircraft manufacturing, forexample—the barriers to entry are still immense, but in other sectors brands andtechnology will no longer be a shield from emerging Asian competition. The threat tolow-paid Western jobs may recede. Haier's Chinese workers are paid 25% of what itsAmerican workers get, up from 5% in 2000. Instead it may be copywriters, scientists anddesigners who feel the chill of competition from the East.
    History suggests consumers will adapt fast. In 20 years, miracle cures for the old will comefrom Japan, the best web apps from India and couture from China. And cornflakes, once acutting-edge food, will be rivalled by congee and dosas, sold in boxes by a global brand.Asian capitalism will change the world—even, maybe, what it has for breakfast.
    1.such as 例如;譬如;诸如
    The printers can also create interlockingmechanical parts, such as gears and cogs.
    It made money on institutional client services,such as executing trades.
    2.tend to 趋向;偏重
    Smaller laptops also tend to have longer battery life.
    I tend to prefer light colors.
    3.prone to 倾向于
    Most young people are prone to pay attention to multiple stimuli, all at once.
    The area is unstable and prone to rock falls and landslides.
    4.middle class n.中产阶级
    You could call it the global middle class.
    His books are all bestsellers among the middle class.
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查看完整版本: 2015考研英语阅读英文原刊《经济学人》:亚洲商业 征服世界