考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 15:53:45


What does 2014 hold for investors?
    The central bet has to be more of the same: easy monetary policy, albeit lower for slightly less long; modest but steady global economic growth, led by the U.S.; further improvements in the euro zone; slightly higher rates of inflation and lower growth in emerging market economies; softer risk-free bond markets, tight spreads on corporate debt and an upward bias to equities though the bull's wild charge is likely to slow.
    Right now, it looks as though markets are in one of those Goldilocks periods, when everything's just right and nothing could possibly go wrong. But there are substantial risks investors ought not to ignore.
    I've categorized them by asset class, though there's plenty of crossover.
    1) The U.S. market's boom during 2013 caught everyone off guard and now even some of the most ursine of money managers are factoring in the prospect of yet more dramatic gains. The general argument is that so far mom and pop investors haven't participated in this run and until they do, the market won't peak. But an interesting behavioral study of bubble formation from a few years back showed that when self-identified 'amateur' investors get burned twice by a bubble, they keep clear. Professionals, on the other hand, were shown to get sucked in a third time, thinking they can get out before everyone else. Is this the third bubble?
    2) U.S. equities have been underpinned by very high rates of corporate profitability. These profits have, in turn, owed a lot to government deficits and workers' inability to press for higher wages. As government deficits fall and employment growth picks up, those profit margins as a proportion of GDP will start to come down. If those margins fall faster than GDP rises, investors could start to reconsider some of the hefty valuations they've pinned on equities.
    3) As economic growth picks up, so too will bond yields. This will reduce the present value of future income streams and should push down valuation multiples.
    4) Alternatively, growth could slow as the U.S. economy shows itself to be on a long-run deflationary path, much like Japan. If investors lose faith in the Federal Reserve's ability or willingness to halt the process and the government proves reluctant to use fiscal policy to promote growth, equities could slide.
    4)也可能出现的情况是,美国经济像日本那样步入长期通货紧缩轨道,从而增长将放缓。如果投资者对于美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve, 简称:美联储)应对这种局面的能力或意愿失去信心,同时美国政府被证明不愿使用财政政策促进增长,股市可能出现下跌。

kysix 发表于 2017-8-6 16:16:45

    5) Investors have placed considerable faith in the European Central Bank's ability to do 'whatever it takes' to guarantee the euro's survival. But 'whatever it takes' implies the sort of massive intervention--not least wholesale purchases of sovereign euro zone debt--that is still political anathema in Germany and other core euro zone countries. Investors should assume the ECB's promise will eventually be tested.
    5)投资者对于欧洲央行(European Central Bank)“竭尽所能”捍卫欧元的能力给予了很大信任。不过,竭尽所能的含义包括实施一些仍受到德国等欧元区核心国家反对的干预举措,尤其是大规模购买欧元区主权债务。欧洲央行的这一承诺可能最终受到考验。
    6) Similarly, investors in Japanese equities have placed considerable faith in Abenomics' ability to cure the country's economic ills, not least deflation. Inflation has picked up with a falling yen. But unless rising consumer prices feed through into wage pressures, inflation won't be self-sustaining. Instead, it will create further deflationary pressures and is likely to trigger a sharp correction in equities. If inflation does prove to be self-sustaining, there's likely to be a sharp correction in Japanese government bonds, which is bound to generate volatility in other Japanese asset markets.
    7) During the past few years, emerging markets have been blessed with falling inflation and rising growth. This has fed a virtuous circle of appreciating currencies, large capital inflows and yet further falls in inflation. This is coming to an end, and in countries like India, Turkey and Brazil is already over. Economies have run out of capacity for non-inflationary growth at recent rates. Foreign investors are increasingly less keen on supporting large current account deficits. Currencies are falling, inflation is picking up and growth is slowing. Investors are rediscovering political risk. The virtuous circle could quickly turn very vicious indeed.
    8) The central likelihood is that sovereign bond yields in major developed markets push higher with stronger U.S. growth--Treasuries are the global benchmark after all--though at a controlled pace set by the Federal Reserve. There's a significant risk that Treasuries sell off sharply if investors come to doubt the Fed's lower for longer message--particularly if wage growth starts to pick up strongly with a better jobs market. This would create substantial ripples throughout global bond markets and other asset markets.
    9) A smaller risk is that the U.S. recovery has less momentum than it appears to (see 4 above). The result would be a large bond rally and further falls in sovereign yields.
    10) Spreads in European sovereign debt markets have come down sharply with the ECB's promise to preserve the single currency. That promise has yet to be fully tested (see 5 above). Investors should never underestimate politicians' willingness to make catastrophic choices in pursuit of short-term electoral advantage. Nor should they overestimate people's willingness to shoulder heavy economic costs for very long periods with diminishing rewards at the end. The euro zone crisis has yet to be fully played out.

kysix 发表于 2017-8-6 16:54:02

    11) Spreads on high yield debt are undoubtedly in bubble territory--investors have chased yield to the point where they seem to think corporate default will never again exist in a world where central banks will always defend their interests. Jeremy Stein, a Fed board member, warned about these risks in a speech. Furthermore, he noted that while a central bank might try macro-prudential policies to restrain market excesses, sometimes they weren't effective. In that case, rates would have to rise to make sure investors got the message. The Fed could yet surprise investors by taking a more aggressive stance on corporate debt and spreads.
    11)高收益债息差无疑已经出现泡沫,投资者似乎认为,全球央行总是会捍卫公司利益,公司债绝不会再次违约,因此他们一直在追求高收益。美联储理事会成员Jeremy Stein曾在发表讲话时对这些风险予以警告。此外,他还指出,尽管央行可能试图通过宏观审慎政策来遏制市场的过分行为,但有时效果并不好。在这种情况下,为了确保投资者领会到这一信息,利率则需上升。美联储未来可能对公司债和息差采取更加强硬的立场,这将令让投资者吃惊。
    12) Falling corporate profitability or weaker economic growth (see 3 or 4) could yet show up in higher rates of corporate default. That would be a harsh reminder to investors that it might be wise to demand a risk premium on assets.
    13) Commodities are a China story. As long as everything's fine with China, commodity prices are likely to stay well supported. The consensus is that China will engineer a soft landing, that it will manage a transition from investment and export-led growth to more domestic demand, that interest rates will normalize and the country's credit expansion will be reined in. That's placing a lot of faith in policymakers who have created a huge investment and real estate bubble and who operate on central planning principles that have been found to be flawed in the past. A Chinese hard landing would hit commodities hard and thus commodity producers like Australia and Canada.
    14) Easy money has inflated property prices world-wide. Some property markets, especially those of commodity producing countries like Australia and Canada, look distinctly bubbly. Others, not least London, have seen hot money inflows from China and other emerging markets. A normalization of interest rate policy, a hard landing in China or even deflationary pressures could yet see some of these markets go pop.
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