考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 14:24:22

UN to Provide Humanitarian Assistance to DPRK

    UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Tuesday that the United Nations is to provide humanitarian assistance to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) which is suffering from heavy loss from flooding.
    Ban made the remarks during his meeting with Ambassador Pak Gil Yon of the DPRK. In a readout released by the UN chief's spokesman office, the UN chief assured the Organization would do its utmost in coordination with the international community, to help mitigate the consequences of this natural disaster.
    He later told the press after his monthly luncheon with ambassadors of members of the Security Council that he believed that the DPRK will accept the offer.
    "I assured him that the United Nations will be prepared to render whatever possible humanitarian assistance and help the DPRK government and people to overcome this difficulty," Ban said with regard to his talks with Pak.
    "When he said he was grateful for UN assistance and willingness to provide, I would assume that he was receiving our offer," the UN chief asserted.
    Ban also affirmed that he had instructed UN teams in Pyongyang as well as in Bangkok to first of all assess the damages of the recent flooding.
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