考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 14:24:21

Floating Lanterns on Double Seventh Day

Colourful paper lanterns floating on Songhuajiang River in city Jilin, northeast China's Jilin province, on the night of Double Seventh Festival, or Chinese Valentine's Day, August 20, 2007.
Some 15 thousand local citizens gathered by the Songhuajiang River in city Jinlin, northeast China's Jilin province, to float river lanterns on Sunday night, in celebration of the Double Seventh Festival, or Chinese Valentine's Day.
    People swarmed to the river bank at dusk and shortly after seven pm, over 15,000 colourful paper lanterns, with candles burning inside, were seen floating down the river.
    This is said to be the largest lantern floating ceremony in Jilin to date.
    The custom of lantern floating dates back some 300 years ago in China, according to Ms Hou, the president of Jilin's Lantern Floating Association in Jilin. People used to worship the deceased by floating lanterns, but now it is more for expressing people's good wishes.
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