考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 14:23:42

Iranian commander says enemy not able to launch attack

    Special Report: Iran Nuclear Crisis
    TEHRAN, Aug. 2 (Xinhua) -- A senior Iranian military commander said on Thursday that the country's enemy is by no means able to launch military attack against the Islamic Republic, the official IRNA news agency reported.
    Air Force Commander Brigadier General Ahmad Miqani made the remarks in his speech at a ceremony to celebrate the graduation of a number of officers in an unidentified air base, said IRNA.
    Miqani was quoted as saying that threats by certain countries "have been always made against the country, but the question is why they have never been carried out?"
    He said his army has made remarkable achievements in various fields relying on efforts made by its young experts, adding "this has resulted in promoting Iran's authority inside and outside the region."
    The commander also urged the newly-graduated officers to protect "the sky of Iran" by using their knowledge, expertise, scientific ability and self-reliance.
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