考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 14:22:11

Thai King endorses new constitution

                                             National Legislative Assembly President       Meechai Ruchuphand (R) and Noranit Setabutr of the Constitutional Drafting       Assembly attend a ceremony to mark the country's new constitution which       was approved by Thai voters during the weekend referendum, at Bangkok's       parliament August 24, 2007. The two men are due later on Friday to forward       the military-drafted charter to Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej for his       approval. (Xinhua/Reuters Photo)Photo Gallery>>>
 BANGKOK, Aug. 24 (Xinhua) -- The King of Thailand on Friday endorsed the new Constitution, five days after the charter draft passed a national referendum, President of Constitution Drafting Assembly (CDA) Noranit Settabutr said at a press conference.
    King Bhumibol Adulyadej signed the 2007 Constitution after Noranit and Meechai Ruechupan, President of National Legislative Assembly (NLA), submitted the new charter to the monarch for royal endorsement at the King's Bangkok residence Chitlarada Palace.
    The new constitution draft, won public approval by a 57.81-percent margin in the country's first-ever national referendum on Aug. 19.
    It will take effect later on Friday after it is published in the Royal Gazette, according to NLA chief Meechai Ruchuphan.
    After launching a successful coup on Sept. 19, 2006 to oust then prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, the military-led Council for Democratic Reform (CDR), later transformed into Council for National Security (CNS), abrogated the 1997 Constitution and promulgated an interim constitution on Oct. 1, 2006. An interim government led by prime minister Surayud Chulanont was formed after that.
    A 100-member Constitution Drafting Assembly (CDA) was formed and a 35-member Constitution Drafting Committee was picked to draft a new permanent constitution for the country. After the CDA voted unanimously to pass the draft charter on July 6, Aug. 19 was set as the referendum day.
    Passing the referendum and endorsed by the King, the Constitution will officially become the 18th Constitution of Thailand since the kingdom ended an autocratic monarchy and established a constitutional monarchy in 1932.
    The promulgation of the new Constitution is expected to pave the way for a general election, tentatively to be held in December.
    The NLA began on Wednesday the deliberation on three election-related organic laws under the new charter, namely the Political Party Act, a MP and Senatorial Election Act and an Election Commission Act.
    The NLA is obliged to pass the organic laws in 45 days, counting from the referendum day on Aug. 19, to meet the election schedule in line with regulations of the interim constitution.
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