考研网 发表于 2017-8-6 11:10:37


    1.disparity n.不同,不等
    记 词根记忆:dis(不)+par(平等,相同)+ity(名词后缀)→不相同
    例 Many organizations struggle with the disparity and distribution of
information. 信息的不一致和分散让很多组织十分烦恼。
    2. jurisdiction [,dʒʊərɪs'dɪkʃən] n.司法权;权限
    记 词根记忆:juris(法律)+dict(说,命令)+ion(名词后缀)→法律上命令→司法权
    例 This case comes under the jurisdiction of a lower court.
    3. comparison n.比较,对照
    记 词根记忆:com(共同)+pari(平等)+son(名词后缀)→比较
    例 The article makes a comparison between the two poems. 这篇文章把这两首诗作了比较。
    4. legitimate [,ɪlɪ'dʒɪtɪmət] a.合法的
    记 词根记忆:legitim(=legis)(合法)+ate(形容词后缀)→合法的
    例 Their business operations are perfectly legitimate. 他们的商业活动完全合法。
    5. census ['sensəs] n.人口普查
    记 词根记忆:cens(判断)+us(名词后缀)→调查(人口)→普遍调查
    例 In China, the 2010 census reveals there are now 118 boys for every 100
girls, a skewed sex ratio that is higher than a decade ago.
    6. corroborate v.证实;加强
    记 词根记忆:cor(共同)+robor(力量)+ate(动词后缀)→共同有力量→加强,证实
    例 Authorities have also recovered a satellite phone that appears to
corroborate much of his testimony. 当局还找回了一部看起来能证实其大部分证词的卫星电话。
    7. critical ['krɪtɪkəl] a.批评的;危险的
    记 词根记忆:crit(判断)+ical(形容词后缀)→判断是非的→批评的
    例 Foreign trade is of critical importance to the economy. 外贸对经济而言非常重要。
    8. crisis ['kraɪsɪs] n.危机
    记 词根记忆:cris(判断)+is(名词后缀)→需要作出判断的时刻→危机时刻
    例 I was relieved that we had averted yet another financial crisis .
    9. hypocrisy n.伪善
    记 词根记忆:hypo(在下面)+cris(评判)+y(名词后缀)→在背后评判别人的行为→伪善
    例 It would be sheer hypocrisy to pray for success, since I’ve never
believed in God. 我从不相信上帝,因此为获成功而祈祷是纯粹的虚伪之举。
    10. judiciary a.法院的;n.司法部
    记 词根记忆:judici(判断)+ary(名词或形容词后缀)→判断的机关→司法部
    例 Some of them had held positions in the judiciary or local government.
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查看完整版本: 2018考研英语真题中常见词汇总结:法律类(3)